hey all seem to pull more Lg stones lately than anything else...Lg shraps im laggin in..if anyone is laggin in Lg stones and has xtra Lg shraps lookin to go 1 for 1 up to 10..ty
hey all seem to pull more Lg stones lately than anything else...Lg shraps im laggin in..if anyone is laggin in Lg stones and has xtra Lg shraps lookin to go 1 for 1 up to 10..ty
ThwartedFhalhaenaWrekkinWrexxMaisterThwarteddHematemesisRhayzedOffensiveReductionShillelahFhalhaenaPimpin toons since 2006AVATAR
traded...thank you
ThwartedFhalhaenaWrekkinWrexxMaisterThwarteddHematemesisRhayzedOffensiveReductionShillelahFhalhaenaPimpin toons since 2006AVATAR