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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Cell phone shopping...brag about your phone...

    My cellphone battery is dying and I'm looking to finally join the SMS/text messaging craze. As a result, I'm in the market for a new phone.

    My target uses (in order of preference):
    - Making phone calls (although not frequently). I use generally less than 60mins a month on my phone but I want it to be convienient and hassle free. I don't expect this to be a problem.
    - SMS/Text messaging (is there a difference?).
    - Mobile messaging such as aim/icq/yahoo (once again...not sure if this is the same as above)
    - Facebook and other social networking mobile access
    - Camera (I'd like a pretty decent one if possible but not a high priority)

    Here is my list of wants.

    - QWERTY keyboard
    - decent sized screen. I don't expect to do much web browsing perse but I would like to be able to browse most if not all mobile sites with ease if necessary.
    - No touch screen (I'd like to keep away from it if possible but I understand that I might not be able to entirely)

    My ideal phone appears to be the Samsung Alias 2 sch u740. I love the way that flips one way for phone access and flips the other way for a better text messaging screen.

    Unfortunately, I'm with sprint and have an additional year on my contract (I reupped for 2 years abotu a year ago in exchange for a free month of service) and the alias2 seems to be att only. If I can't find something I can live with in sprint's lineup, then I don't have a problem paying the etf and switching providers...

    So, now, the topic of the post...

    Tell me about your phone...what you like, what you don't like...unless you have an iPhone...I won't purchase one of those god awfull tools of the devil.

  2. #2
    Community Member WeaselKing's Avatar
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    I recommend:
    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    Please forgive my personal attack, I was high on Platypus Venom at the time.

  3. #3
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    hmm...after further review (and advice from a friend)...I think I might go with a palm pre next week...

    I'm not entirely sure I can convince myself to go that far "yuppie" but it does seem nice...

  4. #4
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    I live in Japan, where all of our phones have a brazillion percent more awesomeness. They won't work anywhere but here, though, so I can't really help you. Have you tried two cans and a string?
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  5. #5
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    /bow to your japaneese technology...

    2 cans and a string eh?...that happens to be what I'm upgrading from...

  6. #6
    Founder kudesnik's Avatar
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    no iPhone ? well, no phone

  7. #7
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    iPhones are for yuppies....which is the #1 reason I would consider not getting a palm carries a whole lot of the yuppiness with it...but on the other actually fixes a ton of the **** that makes an iPhone only useful to now I'm torn between being viewed as a yuppie (and having to explain to everyone I know why I own a pre) and having to settle for a phone that doesn't meet my wants...granted, the pre isn't quite perfect...but it is as close as I can get on sprint...and paying an etf with sprint to be able to switch to a phone that is perfect would put any other phone right around the same price range...

    I'm gonna hafta play around with a pre before I can make this decision...

  8. #8
    Community Member Zippo's Avatar
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    Well I will say that I just bought the Samsung Jack (the new Ozzy commercial for it cracks me up every time "Ohhhh this is new!") and its got everything your asking for plus some. Personally I love it oooooh and

    For those who haven't seen it yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

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  9. #9
    Founder Duplicate_10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinar View Post
    iPhones are for yuppies....
    What's yuppy about an iPhone? Does it have to do with it being the best mobile device on the market? Or that you don't have one?

    EDIT: Just saying, buy an iPhone.
    Last edited by Chuck Norris; 06-15-2009 at 10:54 AM.
    The entity formerly known as Chuck Norris of Argo.

  10. #10
    Community Member xanvar's Avatar
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    Which carrier do you want to use? Sadly that is one of the major problems with smart phones right now.

    AT&T had the Iphone the new one coming out around the 19th should be really awesome. Check the applestore for more details. It is very easy to use but kinda hard to text with if you have fat fingers like myself since the key board is an app for the touch screen.

    T-Mobile has G1. It probably has everything you are looking for in a phone and is one of the lesser expensive smart phones out there. It isn't a very pretty phone in my opinion but it does alot of things really well, just nothing really great.

    Sprint has the Palm Pre (I could be wrong on the carrier) Marketed as the Iphone killer it has the ability to multitask really well and has a sliding keyboard. The battery life is really bad on it if you multitask alot which is why some of the other phone makers don't build it in as a function.

    Verizon is pretty much up in the air for smart phones. There isn't any one flagship phone for them. The largest carrier and free verizon network to network calling is nice but the phone selection is kinda blah.

    There are even a couple of nice pay as you go phones out there. All in all I don't envy you having to make a decision that you will have to more than likely live with for the next 2 years good luck
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  11. #11
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WeaselKing View Post
    I recommend:

    my thought as well. BLING BABY BLING
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