Themed guild
To be a member you must be a warforged willing to play Fay, because nothing is scarier than a tree charging at you in the night. All members are expected to adhere to full and strict roleplaying at all times. As trees have little concern with morals, this will mostly comprise of looting and discussions about where to get better loot. Trees speak in a special mixture of "americana" comprised of numbers and phonetics. For example, 1 @/\/\ +|-| 6|2@+3$+ +|233 3v3|2. There will be a test on the language before you can level past level 3, since that is the level that trees become fully mature. Don't believe the haters that say warforged are robots. We are the next stage of tree evolution, and we are here to steal your loot.
If you don't believe we are in trouble from possible genocide, just watch...
The time to band together against our common foe has come.