So Ireached 400 favor and would like to roll a Drow, probably a Sorc., but I have a few questions before getting started. Hopefully some of the good people here can help me out.
CONCEPT: Primarily I will be playing in groups, with very limited amounts of solo play. A lot of my groups are only two or three people.
I want my character to be useful as a nuke when needed. Big numbers are fun.
I really enjoy insta-kill spells. PK springs to mind, although I am sure there are others just as good, or better. I haven't played a Sorc. (or DDO) since level 12 was the cap., a lot has probably changed since then.
Buffs can be useful and i don't mind filling that role on if it doesn’t compromise other aspects of my character (nuke/insta-kill).
I love UMD.
Feels like I might be trying to do a little too much maybe? Well I guess that's why I am asking for advice!
STR 10
DEX 10
CON 12
INT 14
CHA 20
Correct me if I’m wrong.
It’s a tough one. There are so many to pick from, and I can't be sure which ones are useful without really getting out there and testing them.
Drow Spell Resistance - is it worth it
Elf Dexterity - do two points of Dexterity matter.
Metamagic Improved <insert feat> - will the savings add up
Skill Concentration - seems wise, should I max. it?
*Spell Critical Chance
*Spell Critical Multiplier
*Spell Damage Ampification - which ones are good, and how many ranks do I need (if any)
Spell Penetration - consider it max'd
Spell Points - seems wise, should I max. it?
Spell Threat mod. - do I need it? How does the interplay of dmg/crit amplification, concentration, diplomacy, and whatever else, change its effectiveness (eg. if I drop a massive nuke will it even have any effect with regards to aggro managment?)
Stat Charisma - consider it max'd
Wand DC - will I need it
So, there the enhancements I am currently torn between. Any guidance would be appreciated. Feel free to point out good ones that I might have missed.
/Sigh. Also tough. Only five feats to choose.
Currently leaning towards: Empower, Maximize, Extend, Spell Penetration., Greater Spell Penetration.
Also liked: Heighten, Combat Casting, Force of Personality, Toughness.
Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus seem cool , but also very hard to make room for. Unless I was going to be some kind of crazy specialist I can’t see the opportunity cost of other feats being worth it.
Mental Toughness line is for the birds imho.
Concentration, Diplomacy, UMD max’d.
Then maybe one point of tumble and the rest into one of…Bluff (it’s a class skill afterall), Haggle (will it make me rich :P), Balance (is it that important at later levels), or…I dunno.
This is where I feel really boned. There are too many choices, and I don’t really understand the effectiveness of all the spells.
I like Haste and Web. A Resist or Protection against energy seems good. Invisibility seems useful.
Mind Fog/PK, is it just for Wizards?
Do things like Hypnotism work at higher levels without Heighten (or even with it)?
I can’t be bothered asking questions for every spell at this very moment, please, help me get a decent spell list!!
Alright, looks like a good start. Thanks to anyone that takes the time to help me out and offer some guidance. It is much appreciated.