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  1. #1
    Community Member grausherra's Avatar
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    Default Can someone summerize what I missed

    Greetings Khyber!

    I am back after a long break... since the level cap was 12.

    I'm looking through the market and seeing prices that make my eyes spin. What are low level weapons so pricey? I was looking for an elemental great axe or great sword, and there has rarely been one for sale, and when they have been the prices are way otu of reach of a low level player... why are these so in demand?

    Also the old staples at low levels, Maelstorm and Sickle of Sypherous seem to be strangely absent... have they been removed from the game, or do they just not come up for sale?

    I guess what I am asking is simply a short post explaining what the market is like nowadays, what is desirable, and what is farmable for cash in the low to mid game, if anyone cares to share any info.


  2. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    You can find Maelstrom on the auction house for outrageous prices on occassion. Sickle of sypheros are fairly common, cheap on AH or vendor. Some of the collectibles you find at lower levels are fairly desirable, there are other forum posts in the crafting section that will tell you which ones. Everyone gets clickies now, but if you can find no level invis and exp retreat, they sell for a little bit. Otherwise, just get everything from chests and sell it at vendors or tavern. Good luck and hope this helps


    And welcome back
    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  3. #3
    Community Member Clement's Avatar
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    Default Shop the Pawn shops

    Check the Rusty Nail weapon vendor every time you log on for lvl 2 elemental weapons, if you mean that low.

    I frequently see some there, including the Sypheros sickle. Check the House D pawn shop for lvl 4 items. There very often elemental and Pure Good weapons, there, and often Holy. Sometimes you'll find decent AH lowbie items at a decent price, but for some reason, yeah, they tend to be way too pricey.

    Maelstrom is a much, much, much rarer drop than sypheros, and sells for much, much, much more plat on the AH. It's still by far the most lethal lowbie weapon in the game, by a long shot. The anarchic property means it tears up the common lowbie kobold and hobgoblin mobs.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens." --Gimli, in FotR


  4. #4
    Community Member Clement's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saaluta View Post
    You can find Maelstrom on the auction house for outrageous prices on occassion. Sickle of sypheros are fairly common, cheap on AH or vendor. Some of the collectibles you find at lower levels are fairly desirable, there are other forum posts in the crafting section that will tell you which ones. Everyone gets clickies now, but if you can find no level invis and exp retreat, they sell for a little bit. Otherwise, just get everything from chests and sell it at vendors or tavern. Good luck and hope this helps


    And welcome back
    Good point, AH your Luminescent Dust, Lightening Split Soarwood, Silver Flame Hymnals, and Vials of Pure Water. You'll get a lot of plat grabbing the collectibles and keeping an eye for those, and a few others. Check the AH for current asking prices (that apparently aren't selling) and price yours a little lower.
    "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens." --Gimli, in FotR


  5. #5
    Community Member Slink's Avatar
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    Run STK and Tangleroot and gather all the collectables you can find. Always desirable items from there.
    Also bear in mind that STK drops a no min level ring that has feather falling on it.
    (Ring of feathers) This item will almost always sell on AH for a good bit of change.

    If you're looking for good low/mid level gear and dont want to pay
    outrageous prices, the best quest, bar-none, is Tear of Dhakkan in house p.
    I always see decent if not very nice low/mid level gear in there.
    Even saw a really nice young lass pull a +2 holy silver kama of pure good from there...

    No, I didnt take advantage of her.

    Holy or good aligned silver weapons are very popular nowdays.
    In WW I found a +1 silver short sword of pure good that I am using at end game.
    Who'd have figured on using min level 2 weapons for endgame raid bosses lmao.
    All weapons with multiple sources of stat damage are always nice too if/when you should come across them.
    I.E. wounding of puncturing (con damage)/maladroit of bonebreaking (dex damage)/
    Weakening of enfeebling (str damage)

    The reasons why low level gear has gone up in value is due to everyone being capped or running to cap as quickly as possible.
    This has left a large void in available nice low level gear, which has increased it's value substantially.

    The easiest thing you can do is post your alts name up here (which I assume is repairwiz) and pray to Gornn. If Gornn should hear your calling he may endow your mailbox with numerous forms of help as will many other players that reside on Khyber.

    Good luck and Have fun,


  6. #6
    Community Member grausherra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slink View Post
    Run STK and Tangleroot and gather all the collectables you can find. Always desirable items from there.
    Also bear in mind that STK drops a no min level ring that has feather falling on it.
    (Ring of feathers) This item will almost always sell on AH for a good bit of change.

    If you're looking for good low/mid level gear and dont want to pay
    outrageous prices, the best quest, bar-none, is Tear of Dhakkan in house p.
    I always see decent if not very nice low/mid level gear in there.
    Even saw a really nice young lass pull a +2 holy silver kama of pure good from there...

    No, I didnt take advantage of her.

    Holy or good aligned silver weapons are very popular nowdays.
    In WW I found a +1 silver short sword of pure good that I am using at end game.
    Who'd have figured on using min level 2 weapons for endgame raid bosses lmao.
    All weapons with multiple sources of stat damage are always nice too if/when you should come across them.
    I.E. wounding of puncturing (con damage)/maladroit of bonebreaking (dex damage)/
    Weakening of enfeebling (str damage)

    The reasons why low level gear has gone up in value is due to everyone being capped or running to cap as quickly as possible.
    This has left a large void in available nice low level gear, which has increased it's value substantially.

    The easiest thing you can do is post your alts name up here (which I assume is repairwiz) and pray to Gornn. If Gornn should hear your calling he may endow your mailbox with numerous forms of help as will many other players that reside on Khyber.

    Good luck and Have fun,

    I don't have any alts, repairwiz is my only character at the moment. I'm just trying to get a handle on how to get started again, and was shocked when I saw that low level elemental two-handers were so pricey >.< With any luck I'll make some plat and snag an elemental weapon out of the rusty nail sometime soon.

    Guess a lot has changed since last time I played. I'll definitely keep everyone's advice here in mind, many thanks again!

    PS: Who is this Gornn you speak of?

  7. #7
    Community Member InfidelofHaLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grausherra View Post
    I don't have any alts, repairwiz is my only character at the moment. I'm just trying to get a handle on how to get started again, and was shocked when I saw that low level elemental two-handers were so pricey >.< With any luck I'll make some plat and snag an elemental weapon out of the rusty nail sometime soon.

    Guess a lot has changed since last time I played. I'll definitely keep everyone's advice here in mind, many thanks again!

    PS: Who is this Gornn you speak of?

    gornn is a nobody don't worry about him he is being taken care of as we speak his heresy will be gone soon enough

  8. #8
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    Gornn is so mod 8.

    What, it still is mod 8? I'm confused.
    aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
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  9. #9
    Community Member Gornn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amabel View Post
    Gornn is so mod 8.

    What, it still is mod 8? I'm confused.

    I expected this from Infi but...oh no wait, that's an okay thing to say. I had to read it twice. hehe

    grausherra, what's your character name in game?

    Following that, please keep an eye on the "unconfirmed" tab in your mailbox. You can expect some stuff from myself, and a lot of other great folks, to help you get set up again!

    And to answer your question, who is Gornn? He's like...the tooth fairy. Except in DDO. And more manly, and dwarvish. But still with the tutu and little wand.

    Welcome back!

    Also, consider joining the help chat channel (a new feature) to get any questions answered you might have!

    /joinchannel help

    is the command in your chat window.

    *giggles at slink* That was funny. hehe

    Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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  10. #10
    Community Member grausherra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gornn View Post

    I expected this from Infi but...oh no wait, that's an okay thing to say. I had to read it twice. hehe

    grausherra, what's your character name in game?

    Following that, please keep an eye on the "unconfirmed" tab in your mailbox. You can expect some stuff from myself, and a lot of other great folks, to help you get set up again!

    And to answer your question, who is Gornn? He's like...the tooth fairy. Except in DDO. And more manly, and dwarvish. But still with the tutu and little wand.

    Welcome back!

    Also, consider joining the help chat channel (a new feature) to get any questions answered you might have!

    /joinchannel help

    is the command in your chat window.

    *giggles at slink* That was funny. hehe

    Greetings Gornn, and many thanks, I am glad to be back. My character is RepairWiz.

    /joinchannel? Argh, the first thing I did when I logged in was to attempt to type /join help, but it errored out. A friend reminded me that there was no chat channels in DDO. Looks like I have to give him hell now :P

  11. #11
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    /joinchannel help

    Simlar commands:
    /userchannel help hello!
    /uc help hello!
    /uc1 hello! (boy I hope help was the first channel I joined)

    /leavechannel help
    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

  12. #12
    Community Member Gornn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grausherra View Post
    Greetings Gornn, and many thanks, I am glad to be back. My character is RepairWiz.

    /joinchannel? Argh, the first thing I did when I logged in was to attempt to type /join help, but it errored out. A friend reminded me that there was no chat channels in DDO. Looks like I have to give him hell now :P
    Don't give him too much hell :P

    Harn has the commands for the help channel. You'll find a lot of people in there willing to answer questions.

    Make sure you check the unconfirmed mail tab later tonight. It'll be like Christmas.

    Your wizard is level 12?
    Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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    "It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."

  13. #13
    Community Member Slink's Avatar
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    A little more info about your character would be helpful also.

    Alignment, weapon types you are looking for, etc.


  14. #14
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gornn View Post

    And to answer your question, who is Gornn? He's like...the tooth fairy. Except in DDO. And more manly, and dwarvish. But still with the tutu and little wand.
    *giggles at slink* That was funny. hehe

    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  15. #15
    Community Member grausherra's Avatar
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    Sorry, I guess a bit more info would be helpful, I didn't even think about it.

    My old characters are no more, I'm on a fresh server, my old server having disappeared into the ether of server merges. When I came back all my friends rolled here on Khyber, and so here I am, with only my new wizard to play.

    My character, RepairWiz, is a 3rd level(soon to be 4th) warforged wizard of chaotic good alignment. I'm specced heavily into INT(18) and STR(16), and my current playstyle can be quickly summerized simply as:

    Extend Spell
    Mage Armour
    Master's Touch
    Bull's Strength
    Aid(gogo infinite number of clicky bracers from korthos island)

    And then mangle things with a greatsword or greataxe, stopping occasionally to repair myself as needed.

    With a lvl 3 WF berserker hireling I have been running Den of the kobold brothers and kobolds new ringleader on elite without too many problems, with the aid of searing ray to finish off name bosses(getting up close and personal with bloodknuckles on elite really dicey).

    I know there is probably much more powerful builds, but I know in the past that playing a wizard buffed and melee was very effective for the first 7 levels or so, and it has been good to me so far.

    As far as gear goes, I'm usually pretty self-sufficient. About the only thing I seem to be lacking is a decent elemental two hander, great axe or great sword preferably. The only other thing I run through quickly is repair wands, as some quests are too long between shrine for me to dump too much mana into repairs.

    So I guess a great axe or great sword usable by a chaotic good warforged. In all honesty anything that is better then a +2 great sword damage wise would be great, but I was steering towards an elemental two handed weapon due to my playstyle and strength(currently have my 1st feat as two handed fighting, will swap it out later when melee becomes less desireable for something more appropriate).

  16. #16
    Community Member grausherra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gornn View Post
    Make sure you check the unconfirmed mail tab later tonight. It'll be like Christmas.
    Thank you very much Gornn, the anticipation will make me all giddy at work all day today :P Working a full day on Monday is easier knowing there will be presents at home!

  17. #17
    Community Member Slink's Avatar
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    You got mailed!


  18. #18
    Community Member DaggomaticDwarf's Avatar
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    Talking Gornn has a little "wand"

    Quote Originally Posted by Gornn View Post

    . But still with the tutu and little wand.

    sry Gornn u set urself up there
    If A Dwarf falls in the forest does he make a sound? YES! Ah Gawd Dang Sons of a *BEEP*
    Guild leader of the "Order of the Never Empty Mug"-Khyber Server-Varda, Daggummet, Xotika, Angelheart, Annaleeza, Keirza, Gearszin, Iluvatar, Sindeamon, and Pippsqueek

  19. #19
    Community Member grausherra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slink View Post
    You got mailed!
    Thank you Slink, it is certainly starting to feel like Christmas :P

    And thank you again everyone for the advice!

  20. #20
    Community Member Gornn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaggomaticDwarf View Post
    sry Gornn u set urself up there
    Set myself up? No way! I was quite specific not to say 'magic' wand so the correct conclusions would be drawn!

    After all, anybody who's raided with me lately knows: the only large bones I pull are from part 4 and 5 of the Shroud!
    Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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