Ok, I have been PuGing a lot lately and seeing Pallys, Rangers, and Bards not wand whipping them self out of combat. I'm not talking about the troll's on the forums that said " I always bring wands or pots". I mean like, the players that take 6 lvl's of rangers for twf because he read it on the forums and think wands are picking there noses( or poking the dead Clr. with). Then these players blame the clr. for not topping them off while they go "afk" or something. I've told them they can use wands but I'm told "they don't have the time and/or the money to buy them". Is anyone else seeing this happen too??? Or is it I'm just running in to the noobs at lvl 6-12??? Remember I'm not saying all players are this way but I'm seeing it more and more now.
Now a "WF" that dose take a caster lvl has never said anything about not useing a wand. Even the 6 ranger/ 8 tank will still use cure wands on him self.