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  1. #21
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    Default Same story

    Medium sized guild on G. We schedule raids and events internally and have 6-12 show up, but we have 50-75% waiting on the mod. We filled a guild only Hound raid just last week. I haven't heard of any guildies quitting DDO for something else however, just playing other games until it launches.

    Valiant Accord has about 25-35 players normally.

    I'm logging in about once every other week to run a raid, or do something with the guild, but not much else.


  2. #22
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    I'm an officer in Eutopia and we've added quite a few hardcore gamers in the last few months, mostly people from the Souls of the Night which I believe disbanded. Either way unless guildies are grabbed up quick when they log on and we try to get something going instantly it seems like people log off fairly quickly or take extended afk's. Also, quite a few old regulars havent logged on for weeks which is sad. WE MISS ILLUM!

  3. #23
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    Was just thinking about this very topic last night. My guild is down about 50% from the mod 8 release. At the time of mod 8 we had 26 very active guild members. We are now down to 12 actives. The majority of these lost guildmates have left over the course of the last 2 months due to the myth that is mod 9.

    Of the 12 actives, their playing time has gone down significantly over the past few weeks and keeps shrinking. Partly due to the nice weather, mostly due to boredom.

  4. #24
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    I dont think its people actively canceling for the most part, but simply just not resubscribing. I know if my 6 month sub ran out anytime soon I'd simply wait for more news on mod 9 before doing anything. I'm kinda peeved I redid it back in Feb expecting a March/April release. I'd love 3-4 months added to my account for time wasted.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  5. #25
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    I think one variable to take into account is the normal aging of the guilds in question. My guild was established a week or so after DDO opened up and we have gone through the normal frenzied building stages, peak times, then we ran for a long time with a solid core.

    After a while as a guild ages you become more exclusive, you look to yourselves to solve issues, man up raids since you have enough internal resources, 'pugging' becomes a swear etc. When the guild population starts to drop a little you just make do with first 10 people in a raid, then 8 then 'We can do this with 6 guys, its a challenge!' and short manning quests is the norm so you don't have to drag along a pug.

    As a guild you learn to make do with less people all the while you start to resent pugs since they mess with your closely knit team dynamics. You try to recruit once you admit that even now on normal nights you can no longer comfortably short man the high end quests.. ('yeah you can do it but wouldn't it be so much easier if we had a sorc?')

    So you half-heartedly recruit some people.. they don't play like X Y and Z used to though and you 'get' to run TR/C06/GH/Necro/bleh/blergh/blah again.. *sigh*

    Rightfully so they leave after the first burst of interest from the old timers (after all it is something new to keep you occupied for a bit isn't it?) dies down and they are left to their own devices mostly.

    Throw in something like Mod 8 and the wait for Mod 9 and the tipping point is reached. People just log in less, then subscriptions run out and are not renewed, and you end up like.. us.

    The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
    Legends of Aerenal: Officer - Gods and Heroes: Peon
    Allectus Siff, James Tiberius Kirk, Spanner Siff, Syphax Siff, Ulixes Siff, Etc.

  6. #26
    Founder bellack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    In the last 2-4 months of this Mod 9 delay I have lost near 1/2 to 3/4th's of my guild. Some have said they might return "if" Mod 9 returns, others have simply given up despite any positive spin I have given them to address their concerns. There are a few others not too far behind the ones who left already. There is not much of anything I can think of to convince them to hold on just a little longer.

    So my question out there to all guilds, mostly guild leaders or officers, what is the head count of your guild %-wise as of the last few months? This not a dooooom thread, this is a serious assement of what we are really looking at with our loses as individual guild memebers dropping. Please be honest in any numbers or %, it will help to gauge this better if anyone is going to respond to this.

    As it stands now for me as a guild leader of a guild I made the first month of playing, 3+ years of having my guild is looking like I will have to disband and ask my guild to either join me by merging with a bigger guild or go their own way for a guild of their choice. I do not know what to do about this, I do not want to abandon my guild that I created because of...."this" Mod 9 problem.
    Why do you feel you have to disband the guild? Do you have at least 6 to 12 people? If so then attempt to recruit more. If you need to merge then merge but there still are a lot of guildless people out there.

  7. #27
    Founder Grond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bellack View Post
    Why do you feel you have to disband the guild? Do you have at least 6 to 12 people? If so then attempt to recruit more. If you need to merge then merge but there still are a lot of guildless people out there.
    Because abandonment is more dramatic.
    Quote Originally Posted by The unavoidable laws of the natural universe
    Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Plato
    You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

  8. #28
    Founder bellack's Avatar
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    My Guild is holding at a steady 7. It was 7 when I created it on the 3rd day of release and it is still 7. Of coarse the guild consist of just my RW friends that play the game. I have other characters in other guilds (5 guilds) and they are all way down on attendance, (I came back to the game 2 months ago after being away for a year.) I also made a new character and joined another guild and they tell me that thier membership went down from 123 to 20. On the up side I logged into LOTR (I have a life time sub) this weekend and the 4 guilds I'm on there doulbed (one even tripped) in size since I last logged in 6 months ago. DDO is looking bleak these days.

  9. #29
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Good one!
    I'd say by looking at the "last on" setting of the social panel; we are down 75%.
    Other guild leaders on the Thelanis server, have told me this week; that it's the same for them.
    As for disbanding? "We shall never surrender" (W. Churchill)
    We have had to forgo our weekly "lowbie & Mid Level" nights, and run together as much as possible, but will never give up "CHAINMAIL"s' status or charter!

  10. #30
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    Gotta love an emo thread in the morning.

  11. #31


    The Lightbringers have lost some, though we have also recruited some as well (including some that were new to the game). New recruits are not always as active as existing members though, obviously. I'd say we still have about 66%-75% active of the membership we had 3-6 months ago (which was a membership peak for us). The lose of players is noticable, but has been tempered by the new blood.

    That said, we still more or less fill full guild raids 2-3 nights a week, and on non-raid nights, we run multiple full guild groups regularly. Some nights very few log in, other nights, we have a full house. We have been in worse shape before. Our lowest point was at the release of Vanguard. We are doing better than that currently.
    Last edited by negative; 05-28-2009 at 12:32 PM.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  12. #32
    Community Member Murgatroyd's Avatar
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    Our numbers are actually up. In the past month or so we've had 3 players come back from a long hiatus with the anticipated release of mod 9.
    Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
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    He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell

  13. #33
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bellack View Post
    On the up side I logged into LOTR (I have a life time sub) this weekend and the 4 guilds I'm on there doulbed (one even tripped) in size since I last logged in 6 months ago. DDO is looking bleak these days.
    How big are those guilds on LOTRO?

    The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
    Legends of Aerenal: Officer - Gods and Heroes: Peon
    Allectus Siff, James Tiberius Kirk, Spanner Siff, Syphax Siff, Ulixes Siff, Etc.

  14. #34
    Founder bellack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerrn Siff View Post
    How big are those guilds on LOTRO?
    1: went from 20 to 42
    2: from 137 to 411 (WoW) they were majorly recruiting
    3: 66 to 140
    4: 10 to 18

  15. #35
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bellack View Post
    Why do you feel you have to disband the guild? Do you have at least 6 to 12 people? If so then attempt to recruit more. If you need to merge then merge but there still are a lot of guildless people out there.
    If I had good numbers than I would not be here expressing myself about my low guild numbers. I am always open to new guildies but I'd also like the keep the ones I have as well, not loose all current to start fresh again. That is not appealing in the least.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

    A is A. -John Galt

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldest View Post
    I will share the status of KaTet on Ghallanda currently:

    Adogg - edit - quit today 5/12/09 not going to Warhammer
    Dude - Gone to Warhammer
    Brac - Gone to Warhammer
    Dirdee - Gone to War hammer
    Abi - logs in daily
    Ryu - Edit - cancelled both subs today 5/13/09
    Nokz - logs in daily
    Rhynn - logs in occasionally
    Gunga - Gone to Warhammer, rarely logs in DDO
    Nyobi - Gone to Warhammer
    Drecko - Gone to Warhammer
    Dresh - logs in Daily
    Deep - logs in occasionally
    Altonn - quit not on Warhammer
    Jondollar - Gone to Warhammer
    Trel - edit - quit today 5/12/09 not going to Warhammer
    Goodwin - Gone to Warhammer
    Cache - Gone to Warhammer
    Arleeza - logs in occasionally
    Jerkky - deployed until June, coming back to a shell of what we were.
    Bashear - logs occasionally, Online Poker
    Coldest - logs less frequently
    Adicia - just came back but is now going to Warhammer
    Wiglin - Gone
    Sagittia - Gone

    May have missed 1 or 2 players.

    Most of our guild are original release players and almost all tend toward powergaming. Many of these people have/had 2 accounts.
    Ryu cancelled both subs today, didn't see that one coming. Bah! Well I'll stick around to clean, turn the lights off and lock up. I am the KaTet Janitor!

    I copied the above from a previous thread.

    * 68% of our guild cancelled their subs, many with 2 accounts.
    * 8% of our guild still actively plays on a daily basis.
    * The exodus started last September, but really picked up steam in April and May.
    bred of an Ice Flenser and a Djinni Ravensguard
    "You people are insatiable." - Tarrant.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodasch View Post
    I do, it's true. I have a stick figure drawing with the word "Coldest" drawn above it and an arrow pointing from the name down to the drawing...

  17. #37
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    I lost my only regular guildie "Brinks" on Thelanis.
    He's bored....fed up with Turbine. And quit.

    I have another par time guildie, but he seldom plays anymore....but he hasn't really lvled up a char yet, so I doubt its really about Mod 9 for him.

    And I haven't played my capped chars hardly at all for months now.
    But part of that is because my laptop broke and I'm playing on a very laggy computer.
    Don't feel I can bring my A game to end lvl quests/ I avoid playing them.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  18. #38


    We have not had anyone actually leave the game, but we have a few that have gone from 5+ hours a night to maybe 1-2 hours once or twice a week. That is starting to seem typical between friends also.
    Member of Archangels (Thelanis)
    1750 Favor 11/29/06
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  19. #39
    Community Member IgorUnchained's Avatar
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    My guild went from about 20 static members who were on every day or so, to....well, log onto Argo and check how many Old School members are logged on.

    I love Oblivion, but after playing the same content over and over, you look for another game. That is why MMOs with updates are better than console rpgs. There wasnt enough new content in Mod 8 to keep people interested for 4-6 months. How long have capped toons been not even getting XP now? cant expect to keep a base that way. This is a cool game that gets a lot of things right......not in this case though.
    Play True Neutral - Live Chaotic Good

  20. #40
    Community Member UnderwearModel's Avatar
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    Default I am my own guild

    Ghallanda Server.

    Since I am the only one in my guild our attendance is still at 100%. The benefit of my guild is I can change the guild name quite frequently.

    I see two instances in the marketplace quite often. I always notice this when all of a sudden I run into a wall due to lag.

    I can see how others have gotten bored with the game. I am definitely bored of running those low level quests. I was not that impressed with Monastery of the Scorpion quest. Because of that, I have not even bothered to run the other quests in there.

    Since I have not been playing since inception I am still getting entertainment value from my game playing.

    It is harder to find a PUG though. If I want to run the Shroud I have to be patient. I am not good at having patience, so I will change characters and go solo something.

    I see two instances in Meridia and Gianthold at night.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Monster AI tends to be a limitation of the engine - smart AIs cause more server lag. Boy am I going to get quoted on that or what.
    I survived the scary events in 2009, 2010, and 2011. 2011 did not reward those that played by the rules.

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