Hey guys,
This is the first character I ever made. I am contemplating rerolling at some point and making a pure bard (with greater knowledge and 32-pt going into it).
How do you think this bard will go once Mod 9 hits live? What do you think I could do to make her more useful? More fighter level? What would be a good level split at 20?
I already think she is suffering a little at current endgame, although she isn't kitted out, so equipment could make a big difference?
I don't really mind rerolling, but she is the only level 16 I have, so I am a little hesitant.
Udine (28pt)
Human 15 Bard 1 Fighter
Str: base was 16 +2 tome
Dex: base was 12 +3 tome
Con: base was 12 +1 tome
int: base was 8
wis: base was 8
Cha: 16 base +4 lvl ups +1 tome
I think my cha is a little low to be competing at end game, even if I got an exceptional bonus.
Went the Spellsinger route with my enhancements.
Empower Healing
IC: Slashing
Power Attack
Spell Focus: Enchantment
So, scrap the character and make a new Bard? OR are there some great ideas to give her a new lease of life?
My idea:
-I thought giving up on CC, gunning for something like Fighter 2, 3 or 4 and Bard the rest.
-Picking up the THF feats
-getting rid of IC slashing, grabbing mineral 2 great axe
-getting rid of spell focus and skill focus, maybe even heighten
- TWF is a possibility if I ever get a +4 dex tome, but would only take me to dex 17 (GTWF).
Thank you for any advice!