does Wand and scroll mastery affect your healing wands and Scrolls with UMD by any chance? or is it the arcane wands/scrolls only?
any help would be appreciated
does Wand and scroll mastery affect your healing wands and Scrolls with UMD by any chance? or is it the arcane wands/scrolls only?
any help would be appreciated
Yes indeed it does.
My sorcs heal scrolls do 121 by default, and up to like 190+ on people with healing amp. 154 on myself IIRC.
I've played healer for many many of quest, including shroud phase 4 successfully thanks to this.
Aye my humie sorc eneded up takig level 4 and 1 level of humna healing because those 110 point scrolls were not cutitng it when i have wellover 300 hp...
now i belive my self heals area 169ish It;s bene a while since i was in game, and like shade i;ve played healer in a lot of questes when needed to fro some reason, cleric dead/no clerics online etc.
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
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