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  1. #1
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    Default Customer Service (I still need it)

    Turbine, I'm going to try to be as politically correct as possible, because possibly there is some special solution that I've not as yet, found. Let me give you the history here, and again, I'm trying to be gentle, and not to offend, but I feel very slighted.

    I ran through the necro quests and got a sigil.
    I ran litany of the dead, and completed all 4 parts. Everyone else in my group got credit for Mentau, but I did not. So, great guildies that I have, they re-ran that leg with me. I turned in sigil and I very late at night decided to step into Abbot and look around. I died instantly nearly, apparently, that water kills you LOL. Ok so a month passes by. Sigil in bank, guildies getting flagged at their own pace. Finally, we decide this is our weekend to beat the abbot, we're gonna try at least. I go with another caster, and...the doors to abbot won't open. Litany still shows as completed in quest log, no clue what's wrong.

    I go to bank, get sigil, try abbot door. Doors won't open. Weird, right? I've done all pre-reqs.

    So, a DM comes on...I am sorry to say that I forget this one's name, but this one resolved Severist's issue. NICE person, friendly, understanding, supportive. Couldn't help. But still, I felt the person listened and was at least interested enough to check what could be done. Suggested putting in a bug report, which I did. Now, I've done bug reporting before, and have never had an answer, never had feedback, never had the issue resolved, but I still try to work within the system I'm operating in. Now, I forgot to add, Sir Rohine will NOT activate in any form or fashion. I can't double click, I can't push the "use" button on the window, I can't use the "u" key to use him. He won't talk, at all. He now is wearing a golden chalice above his head, but totally inoperable.

    I feel I've done more than enough to get to have this resolved, but I decide, maybe a simple fix, I'll try again. I run litany again, all four sides. I ran vol, cinnith and mintau, then as I'm about to trade some ingredients for a tome, I mailed some stuff, logged to that character, got everything ready to do a rapid exchange, went back to my sorc and defeated the beholder. Still Sir Rohine not usable, abbot doors still closed.

    I put in a ticket and dm gets back to me really fast. (DM) didn't make me feel the way the first one did. Apparently (DM) checked the records, but said it showed I've only done litany once. (DM) had no suggestions, no ideas. Said do bug report. I asked if I would do all 4 legs, take a screenshot after completion would that help? (DM) said my issue resolved, not able to contact (DM) any further.

    Come on guys, I don't try to cause any trouble. I get annoyed about lag but I stay and play. I don't care if mod 9 takes longer, I mean, your interviews on the matter show it isn't really on your heads, it's an "issue" that to me means negotiations with another entity. I don't care about that. I don't care about sometimes the lag is annoying. I get uspet at it when it seems unbearable, but then I'm fine.

    But this...this isn't helpful.I don't want to post a bunch of rubbish on the forums, I want to discuss builds (my favorite part of the game is making characters) and I want to run content. I don't know what the avenue is to get something resolved. I have no faith in bug reports, because they've never been answered. I don't like dms sometimes saying your issue is resolved and they didn't even try to help. (DM) tonight probably researched and tried to help, but I've had experiences that weren't great. (DM) tonight probably had no ability to fix the situation, and I understand sometimes things aren't easily fixable...but you have to be able to give better suggestions of what might can happen, or if you say to submit a bug report, get back to the people that DO submit them. Now I have a character in limbo, I want to run some cool content (for me its like a new mod, I've never done anything but die 15 seconds after walking into the abbot raid) I want to enjoy the game that I pay money to play. I want to feel like that someone is at least attempting to resolve my issues.

    If there is a way for me to submit issues like this, I'd like a better way to do it. I'd pay MORE each month were there a way to get help when I needed it. I honestly feel like this is the only chance that someone who knows what they are talking about might respond.


    If I take screenshots at the completion of all four parts will you then believe me and push whatever button of code to show I'm flagged?
    Would re-acquiring sigil pieces make it happen?
    Could a DM be a 6th member of the party doing nothing at all while we 5-man each portion be proof enough?

    I don't really understand...I've only began taking computer science instruction and am making it my new career. There seemingly should be some way to show I've done all the pre-reqs....repeatedly. Please help. It's very frustrating to be shuttered out of quests/raids because there is some bug.
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

  2. #2
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Just an update, over 2 1/2 days after starting this thread, no response from this thread, the bug report or from emailing customer service experience.

    Still have no idea what to do...
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    its obvious to me what you have to do...

    delete and reroll...

  4. #4
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Six days.
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

  5. #5
    Quality Assurance 404error's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    QA is on the issue and investigating!

    I have seen a few bugs on this and the factor that ties them all is they put their sigils in the bank. IF you know anyone that has had a similar issue please ask them to post here with a similar amount of detail that you went into, I will keep track of this thread while investigating. Thanks for this detailed post and hopefully I can figure out the base of the issue and possibly a way to fix your sigil.

    DDo Quality Assurance
    404error shows up in dev tracker. He may not be a developer by job title, but 'dev' is easier to type than 'Miscellaneous Official Turbine Representative'.
    Quote Originally Posted by brentpatty1
    Books are made to be eaten not read.

  6. #6
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Oh my!! A response, and an admission that you are not alone.......

    Now i wonder if mr 404 has any news about mod 9 HMMMMMMM

    Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
    Egrofraw, Eighttrack, Fearstryker, Foecleaver, Ferricgnome, Rustoleum, SoPretty

  7. #7
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    QA is on the issue and investigating!

    I have seen a few bugs on this and the factor that ties them all is they put their sigils in the bank. IF you know anyone that has had a similar issue please ask them to post here with a similar amount of detail that you went into, I will keep track of this thread while investigating. Thanks for this detailed post and hopefully I can figure out the base of the issue and possibly a way to fix your sigil.

    DDo Quality Assurance
    Wonderful, I'm going to contact the persons I am aware who also have similar issues.

    Do you believe that if I tried to refill a sigil that would work?
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

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