I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I'd like to ask about a couple of specific quests that seem to have secrets that nobody that I know after 3 1/2 years has found. Things the developers have put into quests that many folk simply don't stop to look at, find, see, or experience. Are all the rare / named special creatures in all these quests REALLY found? I have seen lists of named creatures? Are they "Complete?" Really.
Question #1. In the Quest STEALTHY REPOSESSION: How many rares are in that place? So far I have actually seen 4. Glik, Neecha, Jeeka, and Wazul. My problem with this quest is down close to where Wazul spawns. Wazul is the Kobold Shaman/Witchdoctor that spawns outside the room with the Eye of Khyber. You pass a Warning Gong on your way to the lever, the lever across the hallway from where Wazul's chest sometimes is? Close to that first Warning Gong (When all the mobs are dead) Look at the Wall (The Wall opposite the entrance to the Eye of Khyber room). Use whatever key you've mapped to "next interactable item" (I have it mapped to my backspace key) untill you click onto a lever. A wall lever, not a floor lever. When you get close to the pilar jutting out of the wall, Your failure response message is "lever is blocked". Before that pillar, Its out of range for me to use. I have narrowed it down to that spot? But I can't actually find this lever? What is it for? What does it do? This quest otherwise has NO secret doors in it. That's unusual. Not all quests do, But this one vex's me because of the lever that I can not interact with?
Quest #2 WATER WORKS #2 CLAN GNASHTOOTH PRISON. You must not leave until you free Arlos!!!!!!!!!! Darn if I haven't done this quest (and the other one) hundreds of times. Commonly when I do WW2, upon coming to the intersection with the 3 bridges, I go left so I can clear the shrines. Upon completion of this quest, I have an Observation bonus of 8%. 2 secret doors. One secret door opens the 2nd shrine. (also a collectable in there). One secret door for the treasure chest across the hall from the top level lever that opens the cells. I have seen a grand total of 3 named's in here..... Bloodletter, Warden, and some times, the Kraskuth. I've found another one of these interactable things in this dungeon that I can't get to. You find the Shrine secret door, turn back around from the door, and use that "next interactable item" key again, you'll eventually find a cell door??? Its not the Bedraggled prisoner door. It seems to again be blocked from the corner across from the shrine secret door.
You old timers!!!!!! You people have seen it all!!! There's nothing new??? Have you seen the old. The designers of this game, did details of every instance / dungeon there are secrets and cool things all over? Have you found them? Don't just say No I don't think there's anything there. Look. Find it? What did we miss? Don't let me die stupid. Let me know what's there. Oh, I'm sorry!!! You were busy doing another Shroud run. Is there more xp?? Is there a chest?
If you're a designer who's been waiting for people to find this stuff. And are excited because after 3 and a half years someone's lookin for your hidden thing. Help me out. What did I miss. What's the lever for? What's the cage door for? Tell me!!!
I'm 19037, and that's what I think.