Did I miss anything?
My tank will be a Human 19 Paladin/1 Fighter. Below are all the enhancements I'm planning on taking separated into Defender of Siberys (and its requirements), Paladin, Human and Fighter enhancements to be taken. Please let me know if I missed anything, whether in terms of necessity or AP miscalculation. Values in red are the AP points, and the stuff in parenthesis are the other enhancements assumed in the total, such as (DM I & II) denoting the 2 prereqs for DM III.
Bulwark I 1
Resistance I 1
Courage I 1
Focus I 1
AC Boost I 1
DoS I 4
Bulwark II 2
Resistance II 2
DoS II 2
Paladin Toughness II 3 (PT I)
Bulwark III 3
Resistance III 3
Faith II 6 (Faith I)
Subtotal 32
Bulwark IV 4
LoH III 6 (LoH I & II)
DM III 6 (DM I & II)
Extra Smite IV 10 (Extra Smite I, II & III)
Exalted Smite IV 10 (Exalted Smite I, II & III)
Paladin Toughness IV 7 (Toughness III)
DS III 6 (DS I & II)
DR I 1
Subtotal 52
Adaptability II 6 ( Adaptability I)
Racial Toughness II 3 (Racial Toughness I)
Subtotal 9
Haste Boost I 1
Intimidate I 1
Subtotal 2
Total AP 97 out of either 96 or 100 at level 20