I have bounced around a bit from server to server. I started off, more or less, on Sarlona. After filling my character slots over there, I hopped to Khyber. After more or less filling my slots there, I came to Thelanis, where I currently reside.
Part of the fun in coming to a new server (and the frustration) was having no twink gear. My fighters had masterwork weapons and chainmail. It was hard to get a hold of some +2 plate until I was able to wear +3 plate, and I had no 'glowing' weapons other than the starter Korthos gear. It was fun, and it was somewhat humbling as I realized yet again that a large stack of wands or pots for healing and a bag full of twink weapons and armor were almost as responsible for my achievements as my uber elite playstyle and sheer awesomeness.
I also can't help but notice that some of the same people who want to detwink are also lobbying for more character slots.
Kill two birds with one stone, to keep the 'bird' analogies alive. Pop over to a new server. You will be untwinked, and suddenly have a whole roster of slots. BTW, 32 pt builds is a form of twinking, IMO.
Start from scratch. No friends to help you along, no gear to send, no 32 pt builds to boost you up. Just a Battleworn Chain Shirt and a dream.