As it stands, there is a huge difference between a player fresh out of Korthos and a player who has been around for a while.
Not only is does a veteran have more skills and more knowledge about the game, but he also have loot far better than what a new player could ever dream of. The result is that some players can
solo quests that takes a full party for some to complete. That is unhealthy as it makes balancing quests nearly impossible and has a potential to huge imbalances within a party.
To address this issue, I suggest to:
- Increase the ML of the loot dropped in each quest
- Add a ML to some potions and thieve tools
- Implement new ways for new players to make money or find consumables
- Add more static rewards to existing quests
- Make static rewards static (like they once were) instead of semi-static
- Increase the drop rate of low level named items
- Change the minimum level for newly created Green Steel items from 12 to 18
Of course, the result of those will be that quests are much easier.
At that point, the logical solution will be to
make quests harder (and that part is
really important).
1. Increase the ML of the loot dropped in each quest
The main source of the problem is that veteran can mail loot to their new characters and gear them up with equipment of that level, while new players are equipped with gear that is three levels lower than themselves (and most often lower)
because the minimum level of loot dropping in a quests is equal to the quest's level minus three.
Therefore, what I suggest is to make minimum level equal to the quest's level.
That way, twinking is still desirable but the difference between a new player and an old timer is greatly reduced, therefore making it easier to quests to design quests that are neither a snorefest for the veterans nor a frustratingly hard for new players.
To avoid this making running on Hard or Elite unattractive at cap I would suggest either of:
- -2 ML on loot for the character that pulled it out of the chest
- Hard give a -1 ML and Elite -2 ML for the character that pulled it out of the chest
2. Add a ML to some potions and thieve tools
Fairly simple, and I doubt I have to explain my reasoning much. Currently, a few potions and all thieve tools can be used regardless of level and thus allowing level one characters to use Cure Serious Wounds potions and +5 thieve tools.
I am aware this is a deviation from PnP, but I see this as a required deviation to fit a MMO.
3. Implement new ways for new players to make money or find consumables
While new players can buy stacks of 100 potions and as many healing wands as needed, new players cannot afford the same amount of potions. While it would be bad to give them a endless supply of potions, allowing them to afford a bit more than now or being able to gain more of those easily.
A good, obvious way would be to increase the drop rates from chests (both more frequently and bigger stacks than 3 potions).
4. Add more static rewards to existing quests
By that I mean:
- Add more static rewards to existing quest chains
- Improve the existing one so that more are desirable
- Add static rewards for flagging for raids
- Add chain quests at high levels
Generally speaking, static rewards are enjoyed and they allow to level the field.
I count improving the current ones as adding more rewards because some of them are just useless and it is as good as if they didn't exist.
If more chain quests are even added, try to avoid making them increase in levels (like Tangleroot and STK are currently), it does not make much sense. Since players run them from start to finish as one group, the group gets through very easy quests to then end doing really hard quests. It would make more sense to keep the challenge relatively equal across the board.
5. Make static rewards static (like they once were) instead of semi-static
The reason is to help the previous point. I can't remember the reason they were changed to semi-static but I remember thinking it was a poor one. I can't think of any good reasons for those to not be static. You've finished a long quest chain, after all.
6. Increase the drop rate of low level named items
For the time that they last in the hands of one player, their drop rate is inadequate. Even if one is good, the odds of a player finding are close to none. And then, someone in the party has to be able to use it (which is kind of rare).
Improving some of them would not be a bad idea either as many are totally useless.
7. Change the minimum level for newly created Green Steel items from 12 to 18
While now Green Steel equipment is end game equipment, it will not be the same in the future. In fact, in the future, Green Steel equipment will act as uber twinking gear by letting old time players mailing large ingredients to their level 14-16 character to craft themselves incredibly powerful equipment for the level.