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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Stormreach Adventurer's Race Circuit

    Hosted By Eternal Wrath..

    The Quest: Tempest Spine on elite.
    The Objective: Fastest team to complete the quest.
    When: Friday, May 22, 2009 11:30 EST
    Team Composition: 3 man team, all races, all classes, levels 10-16
    Number of Teams that entered: 3 (one dropped at the last minute)
    Entry Fee: 10k Plat per person
    Payout: Winner Take all: 200k plat + 100% of entry fee = total of: 2,600,000 gold to first place.

    Race Winner:The Black Company
    Winning Team Members: Dagni 16 Cleric (Eternal Wrath), Amberyll 16 Wiz (Black Company), Nipeny 16 Ranger (Black Company)
    Completion Time 37 Minutes

    Runner Up: Team Mhorian, Mithy, Kysersosay (no Official Team Name)
    Team Members: Mhorian 16 Wiz (Eternal Wrath), Mithy 10/4/2 Pal/Fig/Rog (Eternal Wrath), Kysersosay 16 Rog (Eternal Wrath)
    Completion Time: did not finish (stopped when other team finished for a photo shoot)

    Race Winnings were sponsored by:
    Remote (Eternal Wrath) 100k plat
    Esprite (Eternal Wrath) 100k plat

    Race description: Both teams reached Fire and Ice at approximately the same time. The Black Company finished slightly before Team Mhorian/Mithy/Kysersosay. The expectation was a close race but Team Mhorian ran into a bit of bad luck with multiple Otto's irrisistable Dances being chain casted by the fire giant shamans. This lead to the Highlighted Race Quote for the evening from Mhorian, "Mhorian<\Player> tells you, 'It's a goat**** in a horserace". After a not so expedious party wipe Mhorian recalled for spell points only to find The Black Company well on their way to the 3rd stone. Shortly there After Dagni gave a race update, "we just B***tch slapped the inevitable!". With Mhorians' team still trying to recover from their night at the disco and going at fire and Ice again, The Black Company moved on to the final fight. When disaster struck! ... The Black Company hit the bong when the storm giant gave them a taste of the "high times". Off they flew! Team Mhorian was still in it! But with repeated troubles at fire and Ice they had a lot of ground to make up. The Black Company made a quick run back up with a second time go at the Storm Giant...and on to glory!

    When conversing with The Black Company afterward, they went with an interesting tactic. They stayed grouped through fire and ice but then split up into teams while one member took out the beholder (Amberyll), and the other two (Nipeny and Dagni) moved on to the inevitable. This saved them valuable time allowing for a record fast completion of a 3-man Tempest Spine run! Awesome job guys!

    Fun was had by all and we all sat around afterward and joked a bit, looking forward to the next event on Sunday!

    Next Event Time Sunday, May 24th, 2009 3pm EST, Quest briefing/team form up 2pm
    Quest: TBA
    Quest Goals: TBA
    Quest Teams: send in game mail/tell to Esprite NLT 1pm EST, all guilds & players welcome

    If you would like to help sponsor the next race pls send contributions to Esprite to include your guild name. All sponsors will be posted in the next race post!

    Proud Member of Eternal Wrath
    Last edited by silverest; 05-23-2009 at 01:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Tempest Spine Turkey Run!

    Form up time: 6:00pm EST 26Nov2009
    Race Time: 6:30 EST 26nov2009
    Place: Sarlona Server
    Quest: Tempest Spine Elite
    Player made chat channel just type /joinchannel turkeyrun while in game
    Competition Description: First Team to complete Tempest Spine Elite, Team Lead Reports Team progress to Esprite(host), for dungeon race updates. Screen shot of dungeon completion time required.

    Team Composition: Any combination of characters that have a maximum total of 60 levels, thus you could go 3x level 20s, or 6 level 10s, or 7 level 8s! How you build your team is upto you, but keep in mind you'll need a high int and high str guy (22-24ish in both cases) and someone to open locks.

    Entry Fee: 10k plat per team
    Payout: will be 2 mill gold (sponsored by me) plus 100% of entry fee's + any donations from other sponsors. Entry fee is due at the time of team registration of 200pm EST. If you want to be a sponsor and add to the kitty you'll receive mention on the forums!

    Happy hunting for the giant turkey!
    Last edited by silverest; 11-26-2009 at 04:14 PM.

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