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  1. #21
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    Nice poem

    Heres another one:
    Go on she said
    Why don't you give it a try
    Why prolong the agony?
    All men must die

    Pro's and Cons of Hitchhiking?
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  2. #22
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    Pro's and Cons of Hitchhiking?
    Jump said Yoko Ono I'm too scared and too good looking, I cried.

  3. #23
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Why must you try to replace this MMO with another MMO?

    There's a couple dozen top-quality non-MMO titles out there. One of those can probably keep you entertained for a month or so...
    I've found that only MMOs keep me entertained for any length of time. While games like FO3, F.E.A.R., some of the better RTS games etc are a lot of fun they are over too fast for me to serve as a surrogate for an MMO.

    Realistically though due to boredom I've cut down on my gaming time so much that I've found other hobbies like jogging and this thing called 'Outside'.. (It burns, you know..) so really I'm just lamenting the fun that I used to have on DDO.

    I don't see it regaining what has been lost for me at this point.

    BUT... I didn't start the thread to whine about DDO (see the other 6-bazillion threads on that..), I was just amazed that I had fallen low enough to actually be downloading WoW and I felt like I needed an intervention.

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  4. #24
    Community Member Xyrandina's Avatar
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    I downloaded EQI, and star wars galaxies.

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  5. #25
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    how is SWG? you can't really tell alot from their website..

    The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
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  6. #26
    Community Member Mr._Dna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerrn Siff View Post
    I've actually done some of the house work recently instead of loggin.. how sick is that?
    Yeah, I've been attempting to "repair" some plumbing issues around the house with, let's say, mixed results. BORED.

    Speaking of which, I canceled my sub. Runs out on 6/21. If Mod 9 comes out before, then I'll probably renew, but otherwise...

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  7. #27
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Dna View Post
    Yeah, I've been attempting to "repair" some plumbing issues around the house with, let's say, mixed results. BORED.

    Speaking of which, I canceled my sub. Runs out on 6/21. If Mod 9 comes out before, then I'll probably renew, but otherwise...
    sucks man, not that I can blame you :P

    I saw that D logged in yesterday and noone was around. It's been days since most of us had logged in, wish he had checked in on the guild forums before re-upping lol.

    The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
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  8. #28
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    I went over to WoW a few years back with Deus,Eidrie, Vils, Haven and a few other Diligence and Order guys while waiting for new DDO material....just got back 5 months ago. Say what you will about it, WoW is such an incredible game that around 12 million people play it. It's so addictive that people are forming support groups to stop playing. I'm already bored with DDO again but I will never go back to WoW. A good friend once told me, "I can't go with you guys to WoW, my wife will divorce me and all I'll have left is you ******s" I now know what he meant...I'm quitting MMO's entirely and am going to devote all future time to getting a PHD in Sociology. My first paper is going to be entitled....."Why Big Brother wants us to all play video games"


  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerrn Siff View Post
    how is SWG? you can't really tell alot from their website..
    It was a decent game before NGE mod and a good game before the CU if you want to get a good feel for the real swg go to truegalaxies you will need a legal copy of the game though.

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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodfist View Post
    I went over to WoW a few years back with Deus,Eidrie, Vils, Haven and a few other Diligence and Order guys while waiting for new DDO material....just got back 5 months ago. Say what you will about it, WoW is such an incredible game that around 12 million people play it. It's so addictive that people are forming support groups to stop playing. I'm already bored with DDO again but I will never go back to WoW. A good friend once told me, "I can't go with you guys to WoW, my wife will divorce me and all I'll have left is you ******s" I now know what he meant...I'm quitting MMO's entirely and am going to devote all future time to getting a PHD in Sociology. My first paper is going to be entitled....."Why Big Brother wants us to all play video games"

    The only thing thats incredible about wow is people play it.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #31
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    The only thing thats incredible about wow is people play it.
    QFT. I've never been so bored with a UI, quest or combat system. Well actually not rue, LOTRO was the same but the graphics were better and I could look forward to Moria.

    The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
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  12. #32
    Community Member Farrier's Avatar
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    I left but I have never been gone. In other words, my subscription is still active but I haven’t actually played DDO since shortly after Mod 8.

    WAR pulled a lot of players (for at least the short-term) and DDO Mod 8 came too quickly (for me) after I finally got into the Shroud, the Hound, etc. I hadn’t gotten all the gear I wanted out of these and suddenly everyone, those still on server, seemed to be popping out to the middle of nowhere to do “stuff” that wasn’t really fun.

    I find there are zones I like in DDO, and zones that I don’t like. Mod 8 was just more mundane zones for me – more grind to earn new armor and not really more than that. I love Tangleroot, STK, Stormcleave, and the Shroud, for example, and hate the Titan. Who knows why, but I do. It didn't stop me from going anywhere with my friends because I did them all, but it wasn't as much fun.

    The game is/was about the people behind the toons – getting to socialize a bit and getting to play together toward common goals of entertainment for the $$ (fun) and solving challenging content. Meanwhile, running across “vast desert mazes” trying to get to a group may be a pixilated physical challenge but not easily solved because so many of the areas of the desert are randomly patrolled and, as everyone waits for you because causing time pressure, you get random aggro, die, and have to restart…

    DDO is supposed to be different, supposed to be a thinking game: skills v. zergs. But I fear that has really finally changed, Mod 8 confirmed that and, with Turbine's ‘new business model’ and pending MOD 9 release, all that will be left are the zerg-minded… the brainless.

    I know DDO planners/developers have been struggling to make it a successful experience, and I have never expected it ALL to be just what I like. I've been playing electronic games on computers since 1982 (my first game was The Magic Ring - I bet no one else remembers that one). As glitchy and simplistic as it was in 16 bit, there was time to think and enjoy the game. Maybe it is time to go back to Zork, time to leave the MMO to those whose only delight is doing the same thing 28 times on each character and being able to do it faster than anyone else. I saw a post down in the forum list... Shroud in 15 minutes! Other than grinding for materials, why bother, you're lost. You have become what D&D was never about. You have become a mindless automaton, acting and not thinking.

    I will stay to Mod 9 and see, because there are places in DDO where I do love to play, but with the people I love gone, it may be all but over.
    Last edited by Farrier; 06-15-2009 at 01:41 PM.

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