Is there ANY solution to the reset when monsters hit water/lava? etc

I'd like to see them drown/die in flames in the lava if they do somehow end up in it and the AI be a little bit better at avoiding going in there accidentally.
I realise we arent at the point where creatures/hirelings can swim and path through water yet (even on the surface to swim out of it) , we'd need to allow underwater combat probably also for this to happen.

Actually pushing them into it, or them jumping backwards into it accidentally SHOULD happen though.

I'd also like to see BULL RUSH feat added to the game to allow an attack to force it to happen. It needs a cooldown on the ability thats reasonably significant (30 seconds?) to disallow abuse though.

Also in 3-barrel cove... the monsters walk through the water up till gray garls place even though you're swimming, I realise we're not at the point where monsters can swim through it yet. but they shouldnt consider it legal to path through water so deep players cant walk through it.. (unless the monster is large enough for the water depth to not be a problem say in a giant's case)

I'd also like to see knee deep water that currently slows players, also slow most monsters (oozes, water based creatures and floating beasties like mephits,beholders excepted)