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  1. #1
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Default Content ideas that could really help keep a power gamer interested longer

    From another thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by GovtMule View Post
    In Left 4 Dead, they have a "survival mode" where four players zone into an un-winable scenario. Wave after wave of zombies just keep slamming you until all four party members are dead. The time you stayed alive is then marked and, if worthy, "broadcast".

    Would anything like that be feasible in DDO?

    Jus' askin'
    This got me thinking that this would be a perfect way to help power gamers and such with the lull between content updates. Put in a few quests at various lvl ranges were the quest does not end and is impossible to beat.

    It would give us a way to compete with one another but in a way that is more productive to the game because instead of seeing how quickly we can get through the quests we are trying to see how long we can last. Gives us a good reason to work on our tactics (no real point in using tactics if we are able to just plow through the content). Could make for some interesting Dev competitions. Where they set one up that strips all gear when you enter, loot a basic set that is in a starting chest (this way there is no difference between the haves and have nots and goes by skill alone) then who ever (which ever group) is able to last the longest wins.

    One quest set up could be like we are sacrificing ourselves in the quest to buy time for guards to seal a door from an invasion but in the process there is no way we can get through the door once it is sealed so we try and take out as many as we can in the process. Or there is like a time loop where we fight our way through a map only for us to go through a portal and we end up where we started + or - what resources we used through that point and we go again. I am sure there are more scenerios that can be thought up.

    Possible rewards other than bragging could be a very unique and cool looking armor and helm (even if it is worthless and just for show) can be given if you are able to make it to a certain time as like a status reward. The farther you get in the fight the lower part of the loot tables drop and give you more of a chance for an uber item.

    When everyone in the quest finally dies and it ends a window can pop up with stats such as how long each member lasted, the number of kills and have it calculate a score.


  2. #2
    Community Member Valezra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milolyen View Post
    This got me thinking that this would be a perfect way to help power gamers and such with the lull between content updates.
    Another great solution is to provide content updates.


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  3. #3


    I like it. I am not sure how many would go for it, but in times like this when folks get bored, a challenge is always good. Hopefullly we never see another time like this though.

    I might add, that if the dynamic allows it, they could make the quest event driven in the sense that it changes based on the event. Tie in some forum hoopla. For instance, make the event last one week long. Make the quest as you say above. Winner for each server wins a prize. Best server composite time wins. Etc.

    Then, for the next event, the devs can switch things up in the same quest. Make it into smaller teams, etc. They can almost make the room like an instanced PVP type arena with MOBS.

    If the software will allow it, it could be a good time.

    Dex was here.
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  4. #4
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    a quest competition of that ilk would come down to who had the most mana pots
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  5. #5
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    a quest competition of that ilk would come down to who had the most mana pots
    Well for the Dev competition portion notice I said the gear is stripped from the char's and a standard set is given. But for the everyday competition yes you can use how ever many mana pots you care to use ... maybe put in the stat page upon finishing how many mana pots where used. *edit*Or make it so mana pots can't be used at all.

    Last edited by Milolyen; 05-22-2009 at 02:40 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    a quest competition of that ilk would come down to who had the most mana pots
    Yeah, but do you think you're really going to waste that many?
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  7. #7
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post
    Yeah, but do you think you're really going to waste that many?
    personally no, but I'm pretty bad about drinking pots or buying scrolls, I've gone thru MAYBE 500 heal scrolls since December on my cleric.

    but its pretty easy to browse the achievements section for solo completions and get an idea of the type of resources that some people will spend
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    a quest competition of that ilk would come down to who had the most mana pots
    That is among the reasons why mnemonic enhancers have to be nerfed..., #1 source for DDO information.

  9. #9
    Community Member GovtMule's Avatar
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    First off, I LOVE the party hat reward idea. Something to wear around Stormreach as a badge of honour. "That guy was in a party that lasted thirty minutes in "Devil Assault 2....Oooo"

    But after the first party lasts the thirty minutes (arbitrary number) the area gets shut down, a plaque goes on the door of the entrance of the six character names (Similar to the Founder's Fountain we have) and the raid becomes, A: longer or B: filled with higher CR mobs and escalates accordingly.

    As for consumables like mana pots, I would offer up a laissez faire policy. If you want to drink all your majors to have your name on the door and a brag hat, then, sir, I salute you.

    ::::worth, nut not limited to: 2cp:::::
    ... I hate you all. really.

  10. #10
    Community Member Joemama's Avatar
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    we could call it "Ultra Super Mega Lag Place where if you dont have corded access to the data centers itself you will fail"

  11. #11
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Sounds good, BUT - put a warning label on the quest so casual/new players don't stumble in and beat their heads against the wall trying to win

  12. #12
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    a quest competition of that ilk would come down to who had the most mana pots
    Well....if people actually got into it enough to go through a lot of them, it would make them more rare (at least for a while)

  13. #13
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joemama View Post
    we could call it "Ultra Super Mega Lag Place where if you dont have corded access to the data centers itself you will fail"
    Well the point is ... you will always fail. Does not matter if you have the best connection in the world with zero lag ... the quest just never ends. The goal is to see how long you last. If you have crappy lag then you just wont last as long as you would have if you didn't have crappy lag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Sounds good, BUT - put a warning label on the quest so casual/new players don't stumble in and beat their heads against the wall trying to win
    Well the first clue would be given by the quest giver. For instance

    "We are going to lose the city unless we can repair this seal but we can not repair the seal unless they stop attacking. We need someone to go in and hold them off for a few seconds however this is a suicide mission as once the seal is repaired nothing will be able to come back through it."

    This would be an evil way of letting the player base know that it can not be beaten but I would enjoy it done this way. Why? because people fail to read the quests as it is (even when the quest is new and they have never done it). Even 3 weeks after mod 8 was released I had people joining groups asking "So where do I go?" I would reply with "Talk to the new person next to Cydonie ... yes that is the chick that sends you to gianthold ... Then read what he tells you" and every single time the person replied "Okay talked to him. Now where?" *thinks !$%@%*#! Why can't anyone actually $#^*#%$! read the dialog* Sorry to go off on a tangent like that ... that is a slight pet peeve of mine but ya they could put a warning on the box that pops up when you go to enter the quest.


  14. #14
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    I really like this idea.

  15. #15
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    personally no, but I'm pretty bad about drinking pots or buying scrolls, I've gone thru MAYBE 500 heal scrolls since December on my cleric.

    but its pretty easy to browse the achievements section for solo completions and get an idea of the type of resources that some people will spend
    That's it? I'm way past a thousand...and I rarely run my cleric...maybe I should stop doing VoD runs with her...
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  16. #16
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valezra View Post
    Another great solution is to provide content updates.

    QFT - Forget cheesy ways to not put any resources into DDO. New end game content or nothing.
    Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)

  17. #17
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyromaniac View Post
    QFT - Forget cheesy ways to not put any resources into DDO. New end game content or nothing.
    Seriously ... why does everything have to come back to this? I never said in here to not put out new end game content. I never mentioned that they should not put any resources into DDO. Then you know what will happen when they finally are able to release mod 9? The power gamers will blow through the 4 quests in about about 2 days and the raid anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks then they will be right back here complaining. You know what would happen if they were able to crank out 10 quests and a raid like they did with the beloved mod 4? Just like back then the quests will be blown through in 2 MAYBE 3 days and the raid in one to three weeks. Then everyone will farm the best loot/time ratio quest while complaining once again.

    In a game like DDO it is IMPOSSIBLE for the normal quests and raids to be developed quick enough for the power gamers to remain happy so what do they do? They compete with one another. I mean take a look at the achievements section and I bet the vast majority is bragging how QUICKLY they can do a quest. Why NOT create a few quests in each lvl range that can not be beaten and this can give the power gamers something to do to compete with each other over how LONG they can make the quest last?

    Yes I get it you, like many others, are upset by them not releasing mod 9 yet. I want it out as well. This does NOT mean we can not make other suggestions and act like adults while they get this sorted out instead of acting like spoiled brats. Sorry I am just sick of all threads turning into WHAAAAA TURBINE I WANT MY MOD 9 NOW WHAAAAAAA.


  18. #18
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milolyen View Post
    Yes I get it you, like many others, are upset by them not releasing mod 9 yet. I want it out as well. This does NOT mean we can not make other suggestions and act like adults while they get this sorted out instead of acting like spoiled brats. Sorry I am just sick of all threads turning into WHAAAAA TURBINE I WANT MY MOD 9 NOW WHAAAAAAA.

    You can make the suggestion, in fact you just did. Because some of us think your suggestion is stupid, you want to start calling me names - who is the spoiled brat?

    I pay Turbine, I could care less about waiting for them to sort it out. By the time they get it together, DDO will be dead and gone.
    Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)

  19. #19
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Can I have an onslaught of the million kobolds?!!! Now that's stress relief...

  20. #20
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyromaniac View Post
    You can make the suggestion, in fact you just did. Because some of us think your suggestion is stupid, you want to start calling me names - who is the spoiled brat?

    I pay Turbine, I could care less about waiting for them to sort it out. By the time they get it together, DDO will be dead and gone.
    No ... I could not care less if you think my suggestion is stupid ... everyone is entitled to their opinion and nothing can be done with a game like this that everyone can agree on. But, with the way I read your reply to Val's post along with Val's post it read just like the thousand complaining posts that get made every day.

    If you would have said "I think this is a stupid idea and it would not be worth the dev time to create this." I would have respected the reply and not posted or posted why I respectfully disagree with your view. If that is what you ment by the post ... sorry I kindda blew up at you. I am just tired of seeing all the negative posts yelling for the devs to release mod 9 or demand they give the reason for the delay despite the fact that they said many times that they can't.


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