Tho this may be common knowledge to many it is something i just recently discovered. While held in place, this means everything from ghoul touch and earthgrab to hold monster, both of these feat are bypassed. So u will take full damage if a caster is throwing damage spells at u and half damage if u save.

I noticed this when I went to finish off Taming the Flames on elite yesterday and could not figure out why I was getting so badly damaged by the first spawn of Air Mephits and Earth Ele's. I then went back and read my combat log and noticed everytime they managed to get an earthgrab on me....which btw happens far more often than u may think even with a great reflex save.....that the air mephits lightning bolts were doing half damage to me even tho I was making all my saves. This really add's up quick, and this was on a level 13 monk btw if ur thinking I only had regular evasion. I had improved evasion at the time this was happening.

Just a heads up to players who may of not been aware of this. This is something that will definately get u killed very quickly if ur solo'ing.

BTW another thing kind of off topic, I noticed the air mephs at close range spam shocking grasp, and went to look up the description on that spell in the player manual and noticed it can be hieghtend. I'm sure the mephs weren't using that meta, but can this spell be hieghtened to a point where it goes beyond doing the max 5 levels of damage.....say if u were a 8th lvl sorc and had on hieghten would u do max 8 levels damage instead of topping out at 5?