Hi there people, I am new to this game and am wondering why is there not a druid class in the game. I know the class exist in dnd paperback and I actually really like the druid class so I hope they implement it.
Hi there people, I am new to this game and am wondering why is there not a druid class in the game. I know the class exist in dnd paperback and I actually really like the druid class so I hope they implement it.
Welcome to D&DO, we hope you have an enjoyable time. The Druid's are are waiting in the wings along with the 1/2 elves and are set to be added to the game some time after the super secret (tm) is reveled. I hope that does not come across as being Vast and Mysterious (tm).
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Actually Kate's last interview with TTH she says that since Druids are not core rules in 4.0 they are re-evaulating their introduction into DDO and suggested that they might be replaced with a different playable class.
that is beyond gay. It has been my understading that druid (along with other classes cut out) were going to eventualy be put back in 4.0. perhaps i was wrong but hey they got the barbarian in this game right? why not druids?
If A Dwarf falls in the forest does he make a sound? YES! Ah Gawd Dang Sons of a *BEEP*
Guild leader of the "Order of the Never Empty Mug"-Khyber Server-Varda, Daggummet, Xotika, Angelheart, Annaleeza, Keirza, Gearszin, Iluvatar, Sindeamon, and Pippsqueek
Monk broken? Everything is 'Broken' just give out alot of broken stuff and come in with the nerf bat for the next year untill we're all the same.
interesting to hear, and ive noticed that in most games featuring the druid class it is usualy neglected unfortunatley. well you would happen to know the name of the new 4.0 book about druds would you? and also thank you everyone for the info regarding my favorate class. i just hope they decide to put it in.
DDO is formed from 3.5 edition, so it's a bad choice to move so far away from that. Secondly ddo is set in eberron, so classes/races that exist there should be the primary drive to decide what they implement NOT what 4th edition is doing.
Half-elf (with a bonus to charism base) is fair enough, it's a 4th edition concept that will port to ddo easily if added.
(although you could say aasimar's although extra-planal are also a charisma race that could be added also but better to add something that is already in eberron (house lyrander?) )
Half-orcs (with a bonus to strength) is also fair enough orcs are naturally stronger, and no other race gets that bonus.
Druids are core to eberron, even if they're not core in 4.0... eberron the earth dragon sources magic that all those RANGERS use... druids are just the masters of it.
Not adding the druid while you have a ranger would be as if you had paladins and refused to add the cleric.
In 4th edition, Druid is in the Players Handbook 2. Monk will be in Players Handbook 3.
Those books should hopefully have no bearing on DDO development. DDO is very unlike 4E. They hopefully will not introduce a 4E type character along with our 3E characters and expect it to work well.
The 3.5 Druid is sorely missing in DDO. We need another strong healer archetype to ease the burden on the cleric.
Nightshayde, Wiz 24 (Ghallanda), Kyonna, Dru 24, Irnaetha, Mnk 19, Drelzna Art12/Rog2, Aurelyn, Pal11/Ftr2, Eidoloni, Rog 17, Tymore, Sor 20 (Khyber)
I may be quite a bit late on this, but i just found this out last night.
Trying to use 4th edition as an excuse is bleh. And it isn't supplement, each PHB is Core, we just get more PHB then we do in 3.5. (instead of the other books like complete adventurer)
If they are only doing 4th cores, then bring out my Warlock!