I wasn't there (unfortunately) but some friends of mine 2 manned SoS! I know that its been solo'd, but I still think this is awesome. They're n00bs so they can't post pictures which is why I'm doing it for them.
I wasn't there (unfortunately) but some friends of mine 2 manned SoS! I know that its been solo'd, but I still think this is awesome. They're n00bs so they can't post pictures which is why I'm doing it for them.
awesome job guys!! keep it up!! way to set the bar high for the rest of the servers out there.....
less then a hour not to shabby!!
Life isn't about finding your self
Life is about Creating you self.
Good work boys, make me proud
A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e eNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER
quest was fairly straitforeward and easy till someone, forgot FoD for air ellies in part 4. thats when resorces started to get used (one pot, 25ish scrolls, and one unnessicary and extreamly unfortinate death).
sorjek was actually much easier on my end then i had anticipated. got lucky with the mephits, mostly spawnin one at a time. yin turtled/fw'ed in corner and i pealed off and took care the mephits as they spawned. 5 more pots in here, and that will be lower in future attempts ( i just finished 2nd min II, and yin just finished first concordiant opposition day after this run).
was super fun satisfying finally starting to see fruition of our 2 man WF project that got put on the back burner for to long.
ya so i had waves of exchaution memed and started buffin after shrinin after fire part...doh...forgot fod...but fw and hangin ur self off the edge works well ...this was accually supposed be a practice run....didnt think we would pull it off on first try...and rune gave me greater potency vll...yay....thnx for postin this bro