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  1. #1
    Community Member iraiqat316's Avatar
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    Default Good Things about DDO

    Ok so we've heard about the W/P nerf, you have your whiners, and complainers, and those that are just plain venting about Mod 9. How about the Good Stuff? Like being able to craft items that you want, The ability to go on every raid in the game. Or the fact that it doesnt take 5 years to get a character Capped. Yes, our beloved MMO has it's woes but how about taking a moment to tell The Telero's of DDO some of the great stuff? Let this thread reflect the positive impact of the DDO Community. So for those of you that have a beef, please do not post here, for those that Love Playin, tell us (other players) why you love the Game! It doesn't matter if you are a Powergamer, Casual Player or anywhere in between let's let the Dev's know we are out here! SOUND OFF!

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Sunflasks rock!

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    One good thing about DDO is that it is friendly to the casual player. With so much time between mods, even the most casual player has enough time to grind out 5 greensteel items for each of their characters!

  4. #4
    Hero Hellllboy's Avatar
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    As a casual player-I have been able to meet a lot of great people and develop a ton of friendships via DDO. This game was my first experience with MMORPG's (Back in '06) and have really enjoyed the social gaming network. Thank you for all the good times Turbine!
    Last edited by Hellllboy; 05-21-2009 at 03:29 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    One good thing about DDO is that it is friendly to the casual player.
    Huh? DDO is about the less casual friendly game you can have., #1 source for DDO information.

  6. #6
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellllboy View Post
    As a casual player-I have been able to meet a lot of great people and develop a ton of friendships via DDO. This game was my first experience with MMORPG's (Back in '06) and have really enjoyed the social gaming network. Thank you for all the good times Turbine!
    /signed I would've never had thought that I'd meet people from Austraila, UK, Korea, etc. and come to call them really good friends. I talk to them more than I talk to the people I went to college with...and I graduated last May...
    S E N T I N E L S
    **Belwaar** | Waarfists | *Waartitan* | Waarmage | *Waarsavant* | *Waarchanter* | Waarknuckle | Waarforged | Waarfavored | *Torgaar* | *Waarmedic* | Neissa | Khurg | Jaxsen | *Kelindros*

  7. #7
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    yeah I would have to say the people I've meet in game and run with.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Huh? DDO is about the less casual friendly game you can have.
    Now I know you didn't read the whole post

  9. #9
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Best things about DDO:

    - Puzzles
    - Rogues
    - Jaerlach, Rockna, Fan, Trendy, Comfy, and the others on Ghallanda who let me raid with them even though I'm not in their guild.
    - All the great quests that require players to do more than kill all the monsters to succeed.
    - Radiance II Rapiers
    - The Ruthless Order of Guile Utility and Extermination
    - That succubus in the header above the forum page.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  10. #10
    Community Member Demoyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Huh? DDO is about the less casual friendly game you can have.
    WoW, EVE, EQ, EQ2, Darkfall, Evony.... have you ever even played another MMO? This is one of the most casual friendly MMOs ever created. Even a casual can max a character in three weeks (as opposed to 6-9 months in many other games).

  11. #11
    Community Member lazlow's Avatar
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    Default i like

    As a RL service manager who gets dumped on daily, the escape is what I love and look forward to everyday. Kobolds are my employees, i show them no quarter. Red named is that sob whose complaining his tire pressures arent uniform at 35ps...well one is 34 one is guys are terrible im never coming back and* /// ok thats
    enough starting to fume again.

    And sometimes when soloing i hit Alt Z and it reminds me of that really cool arcade game...the name escapes me but I think it was d&d something or another where there was a roller ball and two buttons and it was like an interactive cartoon...dont know why it reminds of that but always loved to play that game even if I never made it past the first encounter. Thanks everyone for making the escape worthwhile day in and day out....


  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Demoyn View Post
    WoW, EVE, EQ, EQ2, Darkfall, Evony.... have you ever even played another MMO? This is one of the most casual friendly MMOs ever created. Even a casual can max a character in three weeks (as opposed to 6-9 months in many other games).
    In DDO, you have to complete a quest for XP and instances reset after 5 minutes. Other MMOs don't require you to (nor do they require a group).

    Therefore, DDO is less casual friendly., #1 source for DDO information.

  13. #13
    Community Member Thelmallen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    In DDO, you have to complete a quest for XP and instances reset after 5 minutes. Other MMOs don't require you to (nor do they require a group).

    Therefore, DDO is less casual friendly.
    Stop derailing the post. Dude's trying to get something positive going here and you guys are doing it again. Knock it off.
    -=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
    Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]

  14. #14
    Community Member Nonan's Avatar
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    I disagree. Although DDO does require a quest completuion for exp, EQ required a lot of kills to gain enough exp to level.

    Having played EQ, WoW, and DDO, I found DDO much easier to learn, much easier to level in and the quest based system allows a casual player to not lose their path or direction as easily in other MMO's.

    "Gimping along since February 2006"....
    Guild of the black dragon
    Nonan - Yesiree - Muhnk - Blhade - Pintsized - Chopsticks - Mollly

  15. #15
    Community Member Thelmallen's Avatar
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    Weapon crafting. The abilty to combine multiple effects onto one item (DT 'crafting' for what it's worth, shroud effects, named items like Tumbleweed, the 'sets' like Tharne's, Lorrik's, Levik's, etc.

    In-game voice chat.

    Meeting great people from all over the world. The ability to keep in touch with old friends who also play the game.

    The ability to graphically recreate your favorite PnP character from back in the day.
    -=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
    Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Nonan View Post
    PM sent to avoid derail, #1 source for DDO information.

  17. #17
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    I'll stick by almost my entire list here, except that I must VERY sadly note the impending Guardian nerf:

    Somewhat aside: you guys have no clue how casual a casual player can be. I assure you I cannot cap a character in a month. In fact, I've been playing for parts of 3 years and haven't capped one yet. And I'm not even a *real* casual player -- I'm just a little too obsessed with starting new builds.

  18. #18
    Community Member h616011's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    In DDO, you have to complete a quest for XP and instances reset after 5 minutes. Other MMOs don't require you to (nor do they require a group).

    Therefore, DDO is less casual friendly.
    sorry sir- but your flat wrong there. "nor do they require a group"..uh, huh?? EQ for 4 +yrs, etc- taught me that MMORPGS were not going to be for me once i devoted time to have a real family, children,etc.- FOR THAT VERY REASON - having to have a group ( absolutely limited to NEEDING a group to do anything ) - thank Goodness DDO came along. i have been able to solo narly everything but raids here.

    EQ, etc- was ALL about = Having to meet at certain ( usually late late) hours every night, and even required to raid with said group/guild for certain number of hours ( 4+ ) in order to even remain a viable choice character in said raid ( go-go RPS,DKP,whatever the guild's chosen method of making their players "bid" on loot )- which by-the-way adds yet another element of greatness to this game over those above mentioned - loot with your name on it, you fought for it, you earned it- no needing to spend an 8 hr shift outside work and family playing a game just to "buy" in game items from an open pool for your toon lol.

    If anything I can gladly say Ive stuck around thru some of the ho-hum boredom of no new content - because they made the game as a great antithesis to the EQ's in the game and allow me to have a daughter and wife - not miss out on their lives, but still be able to game- being a monk in game I can solo everything but raids or the occassional necro quest that requires me to have another with me to open doors. we all know monks are hardly DPS gods here lol - so I dont imagine Im alone in this.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by h616011 View Post
    EQ for 4 +yrs
    Perhaps you should play a game that is more recent before arguing back. EQ is ten years old., #1 source for DDO information.

  20. #20
    Community Member mhorn's Avatar
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    Default Some things I really Like

    I have been on City of Heroes of late because I heard you could make "ninja" characters and, sue me, I like Ninjas. Anyways, I will compare and contrast the 2 from my point of view.

    DDO has in game chat. I totally got used to that.
    COH has a WAYYY more indepth character creation system.
    DDO had a MUCH more fluid and solid combat system.
    COH lets you level when you get the exp (becoming more powerful) but you still need to find a trainer for "powers"
    DDO has weapons
    COH has FLY, OMG I play it just for this... I'm wierd I know.
    DDO and COH has crafting, although I am more familiar with DDO's versions
    COH has SKANKY looking characters (some see this as a plus, I hate it, cheapens the game)

    I love DDo and am looking forward to Mod 9. I only play COH when I need my NINJA fix. Bring Ninjas into DDO and make them LOOK like NINJAs and you got me 100%, Oh yeah, and let me fly, either on a Dragon, or with a spell. Yeah, I know you can fly in reaver's Refuge... that's a BIG start.

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