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DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
You usually make sense, but now I'm thoroughly confused. I mean, I know what is great about Iowa (corn based moonshine), the Dakotas (Mt Rushmore and Badlands) and Nebraska (ok, so I'm stumped on this one, maybe the Corn Palace?), but what's so great about America's 51st state?
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell
vive le québec!!!
>T H E L A N I S<
hottet women? You must not get outta the country much.
Go to California and get back to us about the ladies.
also its not only PQ that has 18, many provs do. Including my own, MB.
i will say one thing for montreal, i ****ed an inflatable plastic sheep in a hotel room and no one seemed to find it weird.
Hump? What hump?
Guilds: Wrath of God & Keepers of the BorderlandPalladia Mors- Fighter 16 Vaevictis Asmadi-Bard 16 Darigaaz TheIgniter- Paladin10/Rogue4/Fighter1 Bladewing The Risen -Sorcerer 16 Necrosavant -Barb 12/Fighter2/Bard 2Mondo Grunday - Rogue 14/Ranger2 Spiritmonger-Barb14/Ranger2-Propaganda-Cleric3/Ranger2Serraangel -14 Wizard/RogueMortify - 14 Paladin/2Monk
Mortanius lvl 16 Halfling Bard Mortx lvl 16 Hafling Cleric Lypsync Human Warchanter Drmort Dwarf Cleric Lvl 4 Mortalicious Elf Ranger Lvl 8
Thelanis Server-The Exploration Society http://tes.rbcb.net/
Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell
in particular:
"Quebec is traditionally the biggest recipient of equalization payments, but this year stands to lose about $50 million, out of a total of $8 billion in transfers."
Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
Member of D.W.A.T.
Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell
Ahh when it comes to the US/Canada thing, I always like bringing this up. Enjoy
Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell