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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Halfling Rogue19/Monk1 . question on feats.

    I quoted the original Post Below and have updated the top of the post with my new build choices based on all the input I've gotten below. ( thanks for all the insight!, and please if you have more feedback, I'd love to hear it )

    1Monk/3Paladin/16Rogue Build - Halfling - 28 point. I lose a feat and a 2vs Enchantment to Will saves, but the feat was dodge, and it gave me 1 ac, which is offset by the 1pt enhancemtn for pally 3 that gives me +1 pt to my AC. I could still take dodge instead of Skill Focus: UMD if I really wanted to. but this way i get Slippery mind at level 20.

    Standard Feats

    1 - TWF
    3 - Weapon Finesse
    6 - Toughness
    9 - ITWF
    12 - Two Weapon Defense
    15 - GTWF
    18 - Skill Focus: Use Magic Device

    Monk Feats

    1(2) - Combat Expertise

    2(8) - Dodge

    Rogue Feats

    10(14) - Crippling Strike
    13(17) - Improved Evasion
    16(20) - Slippery Mind


    06/17/12/13/13/14 - Starting Points
    00/05/00/00/00/00 - Levels
    00/05/00/00/00/01 - Enhancements
    06/06/06/00/06/06 - Items
    00/03/00/01/03/03 - Tomes

    12/36/18/14/22/24 - Final

    01/13/04/02/06/07 - bonii

    Armor Class:

    10 Base
    01 (11) Halfling
    02 (13) Paladin Aura
    01 (14) Haste
    01 (15) Parrying Weapon
    01 (16) Dodge - Feat
    01 (17) Two Weapon Defense
    06 (23) Wisdom
    13 (36) Dex
    05 (41) Dodge - Combat Expertise
    08 (49) Armored Bracers
    01 (50) alchemical
    03 (53) Natural - Barkskin
    04 (57) Dodge - Icy Raiments
    03 (60) Dodge - Chattering Ring
    05 (65) Protection
    04 (69) insight
    04 (73) Shield Wand

    73 AC?
    72 AC


    19 Ranks
    03 Feat
    07 Charisma
    05 Item
    04 Greater Herosim
    03 Rogue Skill Boost

    42 UMD

    02 Bard Buff

    44 UMD


    05/10/05 - Base 16 Rogue Levels
    02/02/02 - Base 02 Monk Levels
    03/01/01 - Base 03 Paladin Levels
    01/01/01 - Halfling
    07/07/07 - Charisma
    02/02/02 - Paladin Aura
    04/13/06 - Attribute Bonus
    03/00/03 - Enhancements
    05/05/05 - Resistance Item
    02/02/02 - Luck
    01/01/01 - Alchemy Ritual

    35/44/35 - Sub Total (36 WI vs. Enchantments)

    04/04/04 - Greater Heroism

    39/48/39 - Total

    Edit: Showing Corrections from Impaqt ( thank you )


    I'm coming back to ddo after a long hiatus. In the past I've played mostly squishies that survived through the use of extended displacements and stoneskins. I'm looking at making a melee character with decent saves and armor class. I've deced to go 1 Monk and 19 Rogue instead of the 1 Monk , 13 rogue, 6 ranger that is experiencing some popularity now as well. Here's what I have so far. Please let me know if I've made any errors with stacking etc. ( I feel like I have made an error with the AC. Perhaps the Deflection bonus should not be listed? -- please understand, I am not working from experience but from what I could gather from the forums. )

    Ability Scores:

    06/18/14/14/14/08 - Starting Points
    00/05/00/00/00/00 - Levels
    00/05/00/00/00/00 - Enhancements
    00/06/06/00/06/06 - Items
    02/02/02/00/02/02 - Tomes
    02/00/02/00/00/00 - Rage Spell

    10/36/24/14/22/16 - Final

    00/02/-2/00/00/00 - Wind Stance

    10/38/22/14/22/16 - Final after wind stance

    00/14/06/02/06/03 - bonii

    Saving Throws:

    06/11/06 - Base 19 Rogue Levels
    02/02/02 - Base 01 Monk Levels
    01/01/01 - Halfling
    06/14/06 - Attribute Bonus (including wind stance )
    03/00/03 - Enhancements
    05/05/05 - Resistance Item
    04/04/04 - Greater Heroism
    02/02/02 - Luck

    29/42/29 - Sub Total

    Armor Class:
    10 Base
    01 (11) Halfling
    06 (17) Wisdom
    14 (31) Dex ( wind stance dex included )
    05 (36) Dodge - Combat Expertise
    08 (44) Armored Bracers
    01 (45) alchemical
    03 (48) Natural - Barkskin Potion
    04 (52) Dodge - Icy Raiments
    03 (55) Dodge - Chattering Ring
    05 (60) Deflection (Protection item)
    04 (64) insight
    04 (68) Shield Wand
    -2 (66) Penalty for Rage Potion

    (combined deflection/protection into one item & added the penalty from rage potions as well as adding Shield per Impaqt's advice )

    66 self-buffed AC?
    (have I made an error here?)

    More is situationally available through Uncanny dodge, but as those aren't unlimited or constant I am not including them above.


    Enhancement: Halfling Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Halfling Dexterity II
    Enhancement: Halfling Cunning I
    Enhancement: Halfling Cunning II
    Enhancement: Halfling Cunning III
    Enhancement: Halfling Guile I
    Enhancement: Halfling Guile II
    Enhancement: Halfling Guile III
    Enhancement: Halfling Luck I (Fortitude)
    Enhancement: Halfling Luck II (Fortitude)
    Enhancement: Halfling Luck III (Fortitude)
    Enhancement: Halfling Luck I (Will)
    Enhancement: Halfling Luck II (Will)
    Enhancement: Halfling Luck III (Will)
    Enhancement: Rogue Subtle Backstabber I
    Enhancement: Rogue Subtle Backstabber II
    Enhancement: Rogue Subtle Backstabber III
    Enhancement: Disciple of Breezes
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Rogue Item Defense I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training III
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training IV
    Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity II
    Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity III

    levels 17-20

    Enhancement: Halfling Cunning IV
    Enhancement: Halfling Guile IV
    Enhancement: Halfling Cunning IV
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III
    ( will drop Rogue Item Defense I to free up the points )

    Standard Feats

    1 - TWF
    3 - Weapon Finesse
    6 - Toughness
    9 - ITWF
    12 - ??
    15 - ??
    18 - GTWF

    Monk Feats

    1 - Combat Expertise


    My question is what to put into the 12th and 15th level feats. I've heard that getting your saves above 30 is a good idea, now I don't know how literal to take this but as my will and fort saves are at 29 would the following make sense?

    -- Taking Iron Will and Great Fortitude would bring my saves to


    -- Or... Taking Dodge and Two Weapon Defense would raise the Armor Class by two?

    -- Or... Would all of the above feats simply be overkill and if so what would you suggest taking for those levels.

    Thanks in advance for any wisdom you can share.

    Last edited by Ereshkigal; 05-22-2009 at 02:29 AM.

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