It does, since the argument is making is that he wants to hand things over freely to new players.
Let's imagine two situations.
Situation #1:
Players have to spends many in-game hours grinding for an apple and an orange.
Developers add a potato and cucumber to the game, available to all without grind.
Situation #2:
Players have to spends many in-game hours grinding for an apple and an orange.
Developers make apple and orange, available to all without grind.
Developers add a potato and cucumber to the game, requiring the same grind as the two fruits did.
In both cases, all that the developers did was adding content to the game. In neither cases did they hand anything over to the new players. The only thing that change is the reward for the grind. In one situation, players get a potato and a cucumber for free but have to grind for an apple and an orange. In the other, players get an apple and an orange for free but have to grind for a potato and a cucumber.
There was no lowering the bar.
There are three possible reasons for that:
- The OP is contradicting himself for an unexplainable reason
- The OP did not mean what you believe he did by "doesn't feel 'necessary' to a new player"
- The OP changed his mind while writing his post but was to lazy to review his position
The most likely explanation is #2, especially since he used quotation marks which denotes an unconventional use of the word.
I'll let him clarify his position himself but the fact you are basing an argument on a contradiction is troubling.
Then, I assume we will see the current situation if Eladrin adds new spells in a module:
Eladrin: We added 5 new spells in the game.
Quanefel: How dare you?! I wanted to grind for them!
If not, then your argument does not stand.
A few comments:
1. There
is room to argue, I even said
"Well, unless the suggested change has other harmful effect on gameplay [and you can point them out]".
2. Using a logically sound argument is
not a weaker way to argue.
3. Being fun is about all that matters for a video game. If the game is not fun, then sales and subscriptions will go down.
Demonstrate how the proposition would lower the subscriptions.
It is a different subject than what I have no desire to talk about.
Look again. The topic is 32 point buy and 28 point buy.
Whether or not the ability to upgrade from 28 to 32 point buy has any harmful i
s extremely relevant to the topic.