I came back to post to apologize for some of my rudeness.

Partially this is due to too many different arguments and discussions because of the multiple topics of the OP.
The OP had no way of knowing how many separate issues this really is because OP is relatively new here, I think.
Ability, Skill Respecs, 32 Point/Drow issues are so hotly debated as separate points that to move forward one needs to tackle very specific points.

My specific interest was piqued for the Idea of a Quest, special or otherwise story-driven, especially as an ADDEDUM to FAVOR REWARDS that are ALREADY GIVEN.
Thus unlocking 32 point still requires 1750 Favor, exactly as before, BUT in ADDITION, and if so desired, a 28 Pointer can undergo a Quest to "upgrade" that specific character.
The only "unfairness" of such a system would be that players who had unlocked 32 already did not have that option before and thus deleted a character that might not have for this specific reason.
I think most of us can agree that it wouldn't be "unfair" enough to negate the reason for this alone.

Now as to the mechanics of such a "magical" transformation, they are very much up in the air.
How to add the 4 Points and where I don't know, although from what I remember from the OP, I liked some of his ideas to account for Intelligence Skill Points and stuff, but I don't even remember the specifics (I'm not into the actual mechanics of any implementation at the moment, more into the concept and feasiblity of it).

I am sure there may be those who oppose these ideas I've represented above and I would like to hear the opposition, as well as any comments negative or positive.

Unfortunately, the specifics I've written above will be quite lost in the ongoing discussion, because there is also the topic of all sorts of respecs floating around this thread.

Maybe I'll start my own, just to try to get my one specific comment involving one specific idea can be seen by more.

But anyway, I hope most can understand why this topic is very multi-faceted as presented; too many mechanics and different scenarios involved.