No doubt this subject has been discussed before, but I am not finding the thread...
I am getting ready to build an off-hand GS weapon for my elven paladin. He does have TWF, but not OTWF. He has the longsword enhancements for an elf, and carries a Min II LS (with the tiny little force critical enhancement) for his primary weapon for DPS (yes...I know khopesh is better, but I couldn't burn another feat and the elven enhancements make the LS not terrible.)
Looking forward to Mod 9 (no laughing, chuckling or fingerpointing at my optimism, please), it looks like evil outsiders are going to continue to be the main focus of combat. I plan to take Knight of the Chalice III with my pally, and I am trying to figure out what the best weapon to beat down devils will be for me.
I was going to make a triple positive LS. My initial thoughts were that my LS enhancements made this the best option. I have the slashing weapon specialization feats, and the improved crit range. Lately, I have been toying with the idea of going with a kukri or scimitar for the 15-20 crit range. I was thinking kukri because it is a light weapon, but the lower DPS might make it a bad choice. I am also second guessing the triple positive and thinking that the transmuting effect of the Min II might be superior, especially on a weapon with only X2 crits.
So...the question buried in my lengthy babble is this: What would you craft for a DPS weapon, looking forward to the next Mod as a slasher and off-hander, and why?