DISCLAIMER: This thread is not trying to prove the THF barb is superior to the Kensai II/Tempest I TWF character or vice versa. It's not even really supposed to present a true in game comparison. Builds don't kill monsters. Players kill monsters! I just wanted to explore the math. I would love anyone with a barb to let me know how much glancing blows average! (or if there is a known formula to calculate them?) I wanted to be able to just take numbers str, PA, bard etc. plug them in without having to redo any calcs.

So I wanted to come up with the equations for Max THF Barb DPS (Sidestepping) Versus a Modified "Monster" Build (12 Fighter/6 Ranger/2 Barbarian). Both Will Be WF. I will not look at to-hit as most monsters don't have ACs that make too much of a difference.

X = Mainhand/THF normal Damage (Damage Mod + Weapon Damage Die)
Y = offhand normal Damage
G = damage per Glancing Blow
M = The Number of Monsters in range of Glancing Blows (this includes main target)

So the Barb's THF equation is:
138 Attacks/min (I counted Shade's Video here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=182221)
6.9 misses/min = 0 damage
117.3 hits/min = 117.3 * X
13.8 crits/min = 13.8 * 5 * (X + 6) = 69X + 414
69 Glancing Blows* = 69 * G * M
131.1 attacks get Viscous = 131.1 * 4d6 = 1835.4
Total: 186.3X + 2249.4 + 69GM

The 12/6/2 TWF equation is:
123 Attacks/min per hand (TWF haste + Tempest as listed here: http://community.codemasters.com/for...&postcount=240)
6.15 miss = 0 damage
92.25 hits = 92.25 * X
24.6 crits = 24.6 * 3 * (X + 10) = 73.8X + 738
6.15 miss = 0 damage
92.25 hits = 92.25 * Y
24.6 crits = 24.6 * 3 * (Y + 10) = 73.8Y + 738
Total: 166.05X + 166.05Y + 1476

Now We can look at specific buffs. For instance a +8 Warchanter song is equal to +8 for X and +8 for Y so:

+8 Warchanters give:
1490.4 damage per min to the Barb (24.84 Damage Per Second)
and 2656.8 damage per min to the TWF (44.28 Damage Per Second)

So If we want to plug in some numbers For instance the Barb Would have
3d6 GS greataxe
5 enchantment
36 Str (18base 6item 5lvl 3tome 12rage 2cap 6frenzy 2rage 4madstone = 58)
22 PA (10 base 6 WF enhancements 6 Barb Enhancements)
X = 10.5 + 63 = 73.5

The Fighter Has
1d10 GS khopesh
5 enchantment
20/10 Str (18base 6item 5lvl 3tome 8PowerSurge 2rage 4madstone 3enhancement 2Ram's Might = 51)
6 PA (5 base 1 barb enhancement)
4 WS feats
2 WS enhancements
2 Ram's Might
X = 5.5 + 39 = 44.5, Y = 5.5 + 29 = 34.5

I don't know how much glancing blows normally do but my inclination is to guess high 30's? I'll just use 37.5 for G and 1 extra Monster

So the Barb has: 186.3 * 73.5 + 2249.4 + 69 * 37.5 * 2 = 21117.45/60 = 351.9575 Damage per second (308.8325 without an extra monster for glancing Blows)

The fighter has: 166.05 * 44.5 + 166.05 * 34.5 + 1476 = 14593.95/60 = 243.2325 Damage Per Second

So baseline the Barb Does much more DPS but any +1 to damage is 332.1/60 = 5.535 Damage Per Second for the Fighter. Against Favored Enemies he thus gets 33.21 extra Damage Per Second. 44.28 DPS from warchanter (24.84 for the barb)

So if we look at solely 1 monster, with bard buffs, and it's a FE its (Raid Boss Situation?):
Barb = 308.8325 + 24.84 = 333.6725
Fighter = 243.2325 + 44.28 + 33.21 = 320.7225

here's a list of buffs/boosts DPS:
..............................................Barb / Fighter:
+8 Warchanter = ....................24.84 / 44.28
+6 FE =...................................... 0 / 33.21
+4 Str rage (12F/6R/2B) =............. 0 / 8.3025
Each Additional Monster (GB) = 43.125 / 0
Haste boost 4 =........................... 0 / * 1.2845528...
Holy =.................................15.295 / 27.265 (I think)
Good Burst =......................12.4775 / 25.1125 (I think)
Acid =................................7.6475 / 13.6325

So if we add a Min II Greataxe (or dual khopeshes) acid/good burst/non DPS boosts to that boss fight earlier we get:
333.6725 + 7.6475 + 12.4775 = 353.7975 DPS for the Barb
320.7225 + 13.6325 + 25.1125 = 359.4675 DPS for the Fighter
not to mention that fighter could potentially hit Haste Boost IV (atleast 7 times/rest) to raise that to 461.7549836 for 20 seconds

Whoops the above does not have +3 PA damage for the fighter being a Warforged... so all fighter DPS total numbers should be raised by 3 * 5.535 = 16.605 DPS... this was actually sort of the whole reason for this thread... being able to add damage boosts without having to change all the numbers in the original equation