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  1. #41
    Community Member hereforbuilds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamryn View Post
    You ridicule what you could never play.... Part of the problem with the majority of people in this game, you want a babysitter instead of actually being responsible for yourself. The Cleric is one of the best all around classes in the game, and you want it relegated to babysitting and keeping you alive. People need to go buy some pots and wands and stop being slackers where their own "life" comes into the matter. A true cleric can fight, heal, and take care of things as needed. Several out there are listed as Holy Tactics warriors and get along fine in groups, they pay to play how they like the same as you do. Too many players are gimp players wanting someone else to be responsible for them, its sad really. Ninety percent of melee's think the caster's are there to be their personal haste bot, again... go buy some pots to feed your fix.
    ...the purpose of a cleric is to play a healer...I have seen many great battle clerics who simply throw mass heals while in combat...but in a quest like a shroud you cannot down pots to keep yourself alive. Have you ever seen a shroud party without a healer (including casters if grp is mainly wf) the pit fiend cannot be taken down w/o heals coming in every few seconds...once you do shroud w/o a cleric, bard, or a person umd'ing heal scrolls then I might listen.

  2. #42
    Community Member Verlock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexkawasaki7 View Post
    I want to build a two weapon Drow Battle Cleric. I have came up with tho possible sets of stats

    16 Strength
    16 Dexterity
    12 Constitution
    10 Intellegence
    14 Wisdom
    10 Charisma

    This one seems to be the best possible candidate so far, but I really want DPS. So here is another idea,

    18 Strength
    16 Dexterity
    12 Constitution
    10 Intellegence
    8 Wisdom
    10 Charisma.

    My question is, can you go that low with your wisdom and still be able to cast ALL of the cleric spells. I know I wont have a ton of spell points but I only need enough to heal myself.

    why drow? few problems HP will suck and if you dont got evaison you need HP, another problems is your second set of stats is just dumb, and the other is your a cleric you heal the other party members even if not good you do it when needed, i got 3 battle clerics and have helped 3-4 people i know build them, 16 str 15 dex (+ 2 tome) 14 con or so rest wisdom, i didnt add the points up but thats probley your best bet, Dwarf,Human and elf is the best way to go, elf would take cross classing most likely though,

    Now that is just me but i play alot of favoret class
    Galdair Fairmist,15 Cleric,1 fighter,28 S,30 C,34 W,17 D,17 I,
    Verlock Terwand,14 Fighter,1 Ranger,1 Rouge,421 HP,43 UMD,34-40,Str,GTWF
    Creolee Williams 2 Fighter 8 Barbarian...TWF Build
    Galgone ,13 Cleric,2 Monk,1 Fighter...TWF Build

  3. #43
    Community Member Valezra's Avatar
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    Battle clerics come in all varities. None of the good ones come in the "I only heal myself" variety. That being said, good Battle Clerics are easy to make. Start with a minimum 14 str. Just enough Dex to utilize all the bonus on your armor. Con of 14 and wis of 16 are all "good". Once you get very good at tweaking characters and learning what is required at endgame you can come up with an Uber Battle Cleric build.

    For instance, the battle cleric I am levelling up now will have 32 Str and 30 Wis with 400 HP at engame and be a GTWF DPS machine. Match that with Maximize Blade Barriers and it almost seems unfair to the enemy.

    Like other have said though the absolutely most important thing about playing a battle cleric is being able to accomplish 3 things: 1. Keep yourself alive. 2. Keep others alive. 3. Do as much damage as possible. These are things you have too learn to do all at once which makes battle clerics one of the highest skill builds to play in the game by far... it is also why they have such a bad name because too many people would make a "battle cleric" and only be able to do #1 above... till they ran out of SP.


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  4. #44
    Community Member Alexkawasaki7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Sorry.. Its not my Place to tell him what he "Cannot" do. It is my place and anyone else's to say and provide whatever opinion and reality we want to within the forum guidelines.

    If you dont want other peoples opinions, then dont post your own.

    A Cleric Symbol in front of your name does still mean something in this game. My 14/2 ROgue Cleric (Full Rogue Skills BTW) DOes Traps, Melees, and still has the presence of mind to throw a heal to a TEAMATE when needed. I almost always relegate myself to pure healing in Raids like Shroud Pt4-5 and Vod as well. I play the roll thats required by the Group I'm in. Not some self centered imaginary vision of what I want to do.
    I've perfected my build with the favored soul and new epic stuff, He's currently level 24, and has 900 hit points, he's drow, and when he's done I'm expecting over 1k hit points and 3800-4k spell points. He hits like a truck and still has the presence of mind to heal party members, while maintaing kill counts fairly often. Just wanted to let you know that I'm glad I didn't let your posts discourage me. =]

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