i have to say anything maladriot and anythign flaming/holy burst are my current fav's.
i do however have a question i been meanin to ask for awhile now, Recently i was handed a pair of wraps with plain ol' +4. nothing more- the interesting thing bout them? - they were min lvl req 16 ( and priced accordingly ). what in the world are the dev's smoking- and can i have some
to make maters even more macabre - couple of nights ago i looted a plain ol' +5 wrap, min lvl req... (wait for it ). . .
(wait for it )... lvl 8! ( priced accordingly ) .. LOL now tell me THAT MAKES sense!
+4 wrap of plainness = min lvl 16...fascinating.
+5 wrap of plainness = min lvl 8 ...shake-head amazing.
giving the +5 to my soon to be new baby halfling 32 pt build at a tender age of 8 = priceless.
( to answer the thought in preemptive fashion- yes i even tried tossing each in the stoen of change to see if there was more to them than meets the eye ( kick it Transformers song oh yeah )- not one thing changed. )