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  1. #1
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Default What are the BEST Handwraps in the game right now?

    Hey guys/gals, Shaamis here.

    I know we (monks) ALL want GS Handwraps, but it's not coming anytime soon (afaik), so.....

    What do you think are currently the best handwraps in the game, possible, and why?

    personally I have a few sets I think are nice but not THE best:

    +2 holy burst of Weighted 5%: CC and DPS
    +1 maldroit of Weighted 5%: CC and DPS
    +4 maldroit of Enfeebling: CC and mild DPS
    +2 weakening of Enfeebling CC

    What handwraps do you think are the best in game right now?
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  2. #2
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    I have a few holy of greater banes that are quite nice, and a pair of +5 maladroit of bone breaking that do nice stat dmg (min lvl 16 RR human).

    Personally I like the bursting + 5% combos - I'm envious of your +2 holy burst of weighted 5% - I think my best ones are just +2 holy of 5%.

    Weighted 5% will really come into their own if/when the devs fix weighted being tied to stunning fist, and will probably end up being the best wraps in my view.

    Min lvl 20 +5 holy burst weighted 5% sounds nice... hmm...


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
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  3. #3
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    I have a few holy of greater banes that are quite nice, and a pair of +5 maladroit of bone breaking that do nice stat dmg (min lvl 16 RR human).

    Personally I like the bursting + 5% combos - I'm envious of your +2 holy burst of weighted 5% - I think my best ones are just +2 holy of 5%.

    Weighted 5% will really come into their own if/when the devs fix weighted being tied to stunning fist, and will probably end up being the best wraps in my view.

    Min lvl 20 +5 holy burst weighted 5% sounds nice... hmm...

    Anything good plus 5% weighted is pretty dang nice. Just got +1 holyburst of undead bane off the AH (replacing my +4 holy lesser undead bane) for Sorjek should be pretty awesome. And finally got maladroit of bone breaking on the AH too, haven't tried them yet, but I'm anticipating great things from them.
    Once mod9 comes, then the weakening of enfeebling and any weaking combo should rock pretty hard, but for now they just sit in the bank...

  4. #4
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    I have a pair of +4 greater ooze bane handwraps I found on the house d broker one day....
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  5. #5
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    the wekening of enfeebling would be nice if they worked.

    none of it makes a diff vs red name except the holy burst tho.

  6. #6
    Community Member Vandos's Avatar
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    I use greater banes on most bosses and low hp trash.

    Got +1 anarchic burst of greater construct bane that are great on the portals in shroud.

    For most everything else I use +2 maladroit of bonebreaking, with a bloodstone, tharnes goggles and halfling guile 3 the extra 26hp a hit (and x2 bludgeon damage) really adds up fast. I have the force crit ritual on them but that is only to tell me when something is disabled (at 0 dex) ie, living spells at end of kobold.

  7. #7
    Community Member Gratan's Avatar
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    I have a few I like to use.

    +5 holy burst rr dwarf wish these could be silver

    +5 holy of evil outsider bane wish these could be silver

    +3 Shocking burst of wieghted 5%

    +1 maldroit of bone breaking not too rare but still nice

    +1 weakening of enfeebling weakening doesnt work yet but will be nice like the maldoit ones

    +1 holy burst of descruction good to start with
    Hargrave 20 Pally 1/2ling * Saraph 20 N Human Clr * Azureflame 14/2 CG WF Wiz/Rog * Grimstone 12/2/6 CG Dwf Rgr/ftr/Barb * Ebinn 17/3 Clr/Pally Dwf * Settsu 20 Dwf Monk LN * Nythh 8 Fvs Lg Human * Krisi 20 Sorc Drow LG * Cinderblok 6/12/2 Rgr/Ftr/Mk WF LG

  8. #8
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaamis View Post
    Hey guys/gals, Shaamis here.

    I know we (monks) ALL want GS Handwraps, but it's not coming anytime soon (afaik), so.....

    What do you think are currently the best handwraps in the game, possible, and why?

    personally I have a few sets I think are nice but not THE best:

    +2 holy burst of Weighted 5%: CC and DPS
    +1 maldroit of Weighted 5%: CC and DPS
    +4 maldroit of Enfeebling: CC and mild DPS
    +2 weakening of Enfeebling CC

    What handwraps do you think are the best in game right now?

    Your maldroit of weighted 5% would be the best handwraps against monsters that can be stunned/stat drained hands dow (still trying to aquire a pair myself). Weakening of Enfeebling are currently useless due to weakening not working atm though enfeebling does. I have several pairs of these waiting for Mod 9 though.

    With what we have available holyburst is amoung the best. With only a 10% chance to crit (with imp crit) I find maldroit of weighted 5% WAY better then maldroit of bonebreaking overal. Personally I will probably take maldroit off my hotbar for weakening of weighted in Mod 9 as the Dev's seem to have caught on to the low Dex of earlier mobs and have given high end monsters (like sorjek gianst) a TON of dex to match their strength.

    Honestly though, I really WISH wounding came on handwraps, even in Mod 9 with the nerf. With a heavily reduced con we could land quivering palm and stunning blow much easier and rip mobs apart. But I will settle for weakening in Mod 9 and become unhittable in just a few seconds, as my AC is allready crazy high.

  9. #9
    Community Member h616011's Avatar
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    Default reply and question:

    i have to say anything maladriot and anythign flaming/holy burst are my current fav's.

    i do however have a question i been meanin to ask for awhile now, Recently i was handed a pair of wraps with plain ol' +4. nothing more- the interesting thing bout them? - they were min lvl req 16 ( and priced accordingly ). what in the world are the dev's smoking- and can i have some

    to make maters even more macabre - couple of nights ago i looted a plain ol' +5 wrap, min lvl req... (wait for it ). . .
    (wait for it )... lvl 8! ( priced accordingly ) .. LOL now tell me THAT MAKES sense!

    +4 wrap of plainness = min lvl 16...fascinating.
    +5 wrap of plainness = min lvl 8 ...shake-head amazing.
    giving the +5 to my soon to be new baby halfling 32 pt build at a tender age of 8 = priceless.

    ( to answer the thought in preemptive fashion- yes i even tried tossing each in the stoen of change to see if there was more to them than meets the eye ( kick it Transformers song oh yeah )- not one thing changed. )


  10. #10
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h616011 View Post
    i do however have a question i been meanin to ask for awhile now, Recently i was handed a pair of wraps with plain ol' +4. nothing more- the interesting thing bout them? - they were min lvl req 16 ( and priced accordingly ). what in the world are the dev's smoking- and can i have some


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  11. #11
    Community Member h616011's Avatar
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    Omg Yes!!! Lol

  12. #12
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Ever notice that 95% of the race required handwraps are Drow? Clearly something wrong there.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by h616011 View Post
    i have to say anything maladriot and anythign flaming/holy burst are my current fav's.

    i do however have a question i been meanin to ask for awhile now, Recently i was handed a pair of wraps with plain ol' +4. nothing more- the interesting thing bout them? - they were min lvl req 16 ( and priced accordingly ). what in the world are the dev's smoking- and can i have some

    to make maters even more macabre - couple of nights ago i looted a plain ol' +5 wrap, min lvl req... (wait for it ). . .
    (wait for it )... lvl 8! ( priced accordingly ) .. LOL now tell me THAT MAKES sense!

    +4 wrap of plainness = min lvl 16...fascinating.
    +5 wrap of plainness = min lvl 8 ...shake-head amazing.
    giving the +5 to my soon to be new baby halfling 32 pt build at a tender age of 8 = priceless.

    ( to answer the thought in preemptive fashion- yes i even tried tossing each in the stoen of change to see if there was more to them than meets the eye ( kick it Transformers song oh yeah )- not one thing changed. )

    The +5 handwraps min level 8 are correct. In case you did not know, +5 weapons and armor are ALL min level 8 unless they are RR or hiding a broken effect like your +4 wraps. The +4 wraps should be min level 6.

  14. #14
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    It's time for this again:

    true chaos of everbright.

  15. #15
    Community Member h616011's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikuryo View Post
    The +5 handwraps min level 8 are correct. In case you did not know, +5 weapons and armor are ALL min level 8 unless they are RR or hiding a broken effect like your +4 wraps. The +4 wraps should be min level 6.
    just curious - might ya know how i could find out what "hidden" effect might be underneath my +4 wraps of wierdness? i tried putting in stone of change dealio- nothing changed ....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by h616011 View Post
    just curious - might ya know how i could find out what "hidden" effect might be underneath my +4 wraps of wierdness? i tried putting in stone of change dealio- nothing changed ....
    This was a problem with weapons a year or 2 ago. Some of the randomly generated effects were not showing up on the weapon for one reason or another. They never fully explained it but I wonder if the random loot generator was making things like puncturing blunt weapons but removing the puncturing when it found the weapon type was not compatible, or bone braking piercers, etc. They fixed it a couple of months later but it looks like the same bug showed up when they added handwraps to the game. There is no way to find out what effect could have been on the weapon or to try and recover whatever effect it was. When they get around to fixing it, the fix will not be retroactive either. Your level 16 +4 handwraps are just worth more to a broker, nothing you can do will recover whatever the effect it could have had.

  17. #17
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h616011 View Post
    i have to say anything maladriot and anythign flaming/holy burst are my current fav's.

    i do however have a question i been meanin to ask for awhile now, Recently i was handed a pair of wraps with plain ol' +4. nothing more- the interesting thing bout them? - they were min lvl req 16 ( and priced accordingly ). what in the world are the dev's smoking- and can i have some

    to make maters even more macabre - couple of nights ago i looted a plain ol' +5 wrap, min lvl req... (wait for it ). . .
    (wait for it )... lvl 8! ( priced accordingly ) .. LOL now tell me THAT MAKES sense!

    +4 wrap of plainness = min lvl 16...fascinating.
    +5 wrap of plainness = min lvl 8 ...shake-head amazing.
    giving the +5 to my soon to be new baby halfling 32 pt build at a tender age of 8 = priceless.

    ( to answer the thought in preemptive fashion- yes i even tried tossing each in the stoen of change to see if there was more to them than meets the eye ( kick it Transformers song oh yeah )- not one thing changed. )

    Maybe it's the brand? One is from Target..the other from...Macys?
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  18. #18
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h616011 View Post
    i have to say anything maladriot and anythign flaming/holy burst are my current fav's.

    i do however have a question i been meanin to ask for awhile now, Recently i was handed a pair of wraps with plain ol' +4. nothing more- the interesting thing bout them? - they were min lvl req 16 ( and priced accordingly ). what in the world are the dev's smoking- and can i have some

    to make maters even more macabre - couple of nights ago i looted a plain ol' +5 wrap, min lvl req... (wait for it ). . .
    (wait for it )... lvl 8! ( priced accordingly ) .. LOL now tell me THAT MAKES sense!

    +4 wrap of plainness = min lvl 16...fascinating.
    +5 wrap of plainness = min lvl 8 ...shake-head amazing.
    giving the +5 to my soon to be new baby halfling 32 pt build at a tender age of 8 = priceless.

    ( to answer the thought in preemptive fashion- yes i even tried tossing each in the stoen of change to see if there was more to them than meets the eye ( kick it Transformers song oh yeah )- not one thing changed. )

    If you look closely at the hardness and durability, you should see a difference, and thats why those items have a bigger ml requirement.

    for most items, its not a very welcome addition, and really just ruins the item, but for some, it's ok.

    It's like a built in adamantine ritual, but it bumps the level req.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaamis View Post
    If you look closely at the hardness and durability, you should see a difference, and thats why those items have a bigger ml requirement.

    for most items, its not a very welcome addition, and really just ruins the item, but for some, it's ok.

    It's like a built in adamantine ritual, but it bumps the level req.
    Actually the higher hardness and durability is a feature of all items with higher minimum levels. As the + on an item goes up the durability and hardness also go up. All of my min level 14 handwraps are Durability 120 hardness 11 and all my min level 16 handwraps are durability 130 hardness 12. As I said its normally a matter of a weapon effect not showing up the way its supposed to for some reason. I actually saw a pair of +2 handwraps min level 10 on the broker last night. Since a min level of 10 means the weapon should have a total + of 6, this means that a +4 effect or some combo of lesser effects were missing from the item.

    Looking at the broker right now there is a pair of +5 Shock handwraps on the broker with a ML of 12. The effects are +6 but the ML leads to a total of +7 so there is a +1 suffix ability like pure good missing from these handwraps. This does not really happen with other weapons anymore but if you look at the ML of handwraps and the total + of the effects on the wraps you will find that its not uncommon for there to be a + or more missing.

    Its also possible that the items like these +2 handwraps were supposed to have focus effects on them but those are not working correctly with them.

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