So... normallly I build as I go. Have a concept and the build at levels. Right now my fav toon to play (other than my Warchanter...) is my "Fighter-Thief" Build. I won't go into ALL the I'd have to log in to get them...but he's capped at 8/8, is GTWF Kopesh build with a 30 STR and a 28 Dex.
Here's the dilema.... when I started him, he was going to be a pure 2.5 Fighter-Thief, however... with the PrE's available... most notably level 12 Acrobat II for Knockdown immunity... as well as Maxing UMD and Rogue Skills...or... Level 12 Kensai II with the Power Surge.
Right now I have a UMD of 32 (Skill Boost and Heroism Pot/34 with GH scroll) I have his Necklace crafted... put still have to Upgrade it for the CHA Skills and Haste Clickies
I can find and Disable every trap In Game... except Cabal on Elite.
So... is the Acrobat and extra UMD/Rogue SKills worth more than the Kensai Power Surge?
*edit* His Role is Mob killing Off-Tank wielding Min II and Radiance II as main weapons.