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Thread: Rekken

  1. #1
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Rekken

    The stale beer slid down his throat, reminding his stomach he was not in Sharn anymore. Hell, he wasnt even on Khorvaire, not for the first time did he wonder if he could somehow have his memory restored via alchemical or magical means.

    The halfling could only recall a $hattered last scene before all the blackness, there stood a wizard raised on a dais, wand in one hand the other seeming to grasp light that flaired and pulsed with bone shattering intensity. The halfling leveled his bow at the sinister figure when he drew back on the bowstring his arrow simply fell to ash. The wizard's chant crescendoed and light blinded a cacouphonus clap and then nothing...

    "Rekkenmark!" the sound of a voice shook him from his ruminating. The Rekkenmark Academy crest tattoed on his left forearm has become his name and only link to who he was.

    The Bartender's baritone penetrated the bar's ambient sound, it carried through Durk's rendition of My Wife's a Kobold a drinking song older than time itself, Brother Callaway's ministration to an obvious Khorvaire transplant, and the usual unrequited love pining of Dale Vintner. The bar itself lured the lion share of its customers as they passed through on their way to the larger area of the Stormreach Marketplace and the Dragonmarked House enclaves. Not to say it didnt have it's regulars.

    The atmosphere At the Leaky Dinghy is dreary at best. Many a rapscallion hide amongst it's dimly lit corners. The smell of sweat and salt-sea hangs in the air permanently. The magic suspending the Dinghy is old an not understood by it's owner Hammond Greene. The wind howls through on stormy nights and spray from crashing waves can be felt during nasty hurricanes. "Keeps the stinking landlauvrs on land and the Watch in it's hiccup!" The halfling Seamus notes on a nightly basis.


    Rekkenmark slid through the crowd placing himself at the end of the bar for discretion and a quick exit should something erupt. Hammond Greene turned to his rack of bottles pouring a pint of some greenish blue stuff and handing it off with a smile to Mistress Ahura. She laughed politely at his joke and refocused on her suitor a shady house Deneith Mercenary.

    "This came for you today." He handed a small unopened letter to Rekken, and began polishing the bar with a brown rag; Hammond set a steady pace. Rekken's enthuisiasm never reached his face, still he tore the letter open with speed and read it looking disappointed when he reached the end.

    "Not what you expected, friend?" The kind face of Hammond Greene stooped into the halfling's view.

    "Thanks." was all Rekken said he set the note, the discarded envelope, and a piece of silver on the bar and exited the Leaky Dinghy.

    Like so many of us Hammond Greene couldn't help but pick up the letter:

    I need your help friend


    The bartender shrugged and crumpled the note.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-20-2009 at 01:44 AM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Way to the Wayward

    Heights never bothered rekkenmark much. His recent memroies had been stolen by some foul magic, but his time at Rekkenmark Academy in Karn remained in his mind. Anyone who has made as many magejumps as Rekkenmark had did not fear heights. He kept those thoughts in the front of his mind as he stepped onto the sea-worn deck of the Leaky Dinghy the bitter salt air brought him from his revelry. He chuckled at the thought of the Dinghy crashing into the shallow waters beneath and gave the place a last look before mounting the stairs.


    "I said STOP!" A pretty drow elf carrying a deadly looking rapier screamed at a small girl, she leaned low-for effect rekken guessed.

    "No more oggling, flirting nothing! All dwarves are off limits! We have a strict time schedule and I'd like to keep at least my bedtime!!" Rekkenmark noticed the lute slung beneath the angry drow's arm, it swung lazily as she returned to her normal height. Suppressing another chuckle and lowering his eyes rekkenmark quickened his pace. He didnt know it, but he began humming Durk's favorite drinking song-My Wife's a Dirty Kobold.

    Just as he reached parallel with the duo The drow elf started up again, "Arent you a little demon as well! Ignorant children!!" Rekken was familiar with the sound of hustling feet. He felt his ears go prickly hot.

    The drow moved with alacrity placing herself in front of Rekkenmark, "Think i wouldnt know the tune? You little,,,little...DEMON! I have half a mind to dance you for a week in the cold!" She spun on her heel pulling her lute in front of her with a smooth motion and dove into "The Man has No Ears" The halfling female bowed an apology and hurried to match pace with her livid companion.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-17-2009 at 10:52 AM.
    Using Trackless Step,

  3. #3
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default The Past hurts The present hurts


    The winter chill settled onto Khorvaire like a chore that must be done. The snow fell and winds blew, the clouds were grey and threatening. Rekkenmark found a comfortable spot starboard side against the rails of the SkyCutter. His mind recited every detail of the plan for the evening, so consumed by thought he couldnt notice the roar of the fire elemental as it propelled the airship onward through the thick damp clouds. The deck of the ship was bare save for the necessary acoutrements of flying an airship. The cloud cover so thick offered no view as Rekken stared port side across the belly of SkyCutter. His eyes seemed focus on something; his body perfectly still against the railing. He wore a uniform of that he was sure. It was unmarked and mostly black; it must be a uniform for others roamed the ship in the same attire. He knew he was dreaming. It was his past, a piece of it that he couldnt remember. The wind whipped his damp clothes snapping them painfully against his body. The wind took life, and shape before him darkening and morphing into a face suitable for the nightmare of a child. Eyes, bright with hate and a face conjured from dark wells of thought. It grew until it filled all vision its many tooth grin never moved, yet words exploded into Rekken's mind


    Rekkenmark woke himself with a violent kick of his right foot that sent a bar stool careening across the Wayward Lobster. He looked swiftly around, stood with an apologetic attitude and replaced the stool. No one seemed to notice. He made a move to the main bar-time for a drink. He swallowed the liquor like a man searching for salvation. Rekkenmark wasnt sure now if he was ready to remember. He scanned the room from the front of the bar intending to rid himself of the growing sense of dread he felt. Soon Enough he found what he was looking for. Not for the first time did he think that these things played themselves out so typically. A strange note. A seedy tavern. A hooded figure.

    He shrugged the last of his Dirty Kobold down set his jaw and made his way to the very back of the tavern, toward the lone hooded figure.

    He sat across from the humanoid and folded his hands atop the table. The man or woman's face was shadowed. It moved slightly, an acknowledgement, then spoke. "The night is brightest..." the shadow seemed to smile. The words were a code Rekken was sure, and if he was trying to forget that he wanted to remember--this man, for surely the deep voice belonged to a man, wasnt helping him. The next words that came from rekken, surprised him, They came like a reflex.

    "With a Dark Lantern." The words stirred his soul, and the darkness in his mind ached as he finished the password.

    The shadow made a swift movement with his left hand and spoke a command word. "This is yet another letter detailing the time and place of a meeting, by opening and reading this letter powerful magic will be placed upon you, and call you to the destination so written in the letter. If you read it, you wont be late."
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-17-2009 at 11:08 AM.
    Using Trackless Step,

  4. #4
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default The Old Friend's Meeting

    "Are we enjoying our meal?" The steward had a greasy smile his fluid movements suggested otherworld origins. The stewards eyes were bright as he set the side of Honeyed ham onto the elegantly wrought darkwood table. His eyes, bright as they were, also gave a feeling of uneasiness. In short the steward seemed to wreak of untrustworthiness.

    "If you require further attention simply ring for me and i shall serve." He bowed with a flourish and brought a silver plated bell from beneath his waistcoat setting it near the big man at the head of the table. On instinct the Human recoiled from the proximity of the steward unnerving him. The Steward simply smiled as if he understood and the same fluid movements that brought him into the dining room carried him out. Visibly, the room relaxed.

    "That's not one im likely to trust!" Huffed the dwarf. He tore into his plate with the messy effeciency only dwarves possess.

    "The fellow appears kind enough, I'll admit that, but something seemed off," The big man, examined his utensils and began prodding the yellow peas on his plate, he sniffed the ham. "The food seems fine." As if in agreement, the sound of the dwarf feeding seemed to grow louder.

    "Well, I thought he was an interesting creature, certainly too beautful for a common servant, he must be the head servant, we should feel honored." Veyda, a drow bard, daintily sliced her ham into small bites.

    The door to the dining room cabin banged open and in walked a familliar full face, a smallish figure at his side. "My friends," his arms opened wide, "One more addition to our little expedition!" Baudry Cartoman laughed at his own cleverness. "I am sure you are all wondering why i have gathered such a stout team together, surely the road ahead will have stormy weather!" his body jiggled as he bellowed again. He walked the halfling to the table pulling out his chair for his small friend, then made his way to the head of table blocking the cabin door.

    "Dark happenings threaten Stormreach, the daelkyr his walls will soon breach." He laughed no more his brow lowering. He pulled a box from nowhere and set it on the darkwood table, a command word activated it. The rooms blue everbright lanterns darkened the magical cube spread a portion of Xen'drik's landscape centering on a Syberis Observatory. The airship rocked violently and seemed to slow the cube winked out the lanterns remained dimmed.

    "Just what sort of bargain airship is this, Cartoman! I didnt agree to come along so you could kill me before I penned at least some my opus!" Veyda's musical voice always carried a sharp bite.

    All eyes locked on Baudry whose eyes seemed distant and focused on something elsewhere. He suddenly spoke, though to no one in the dining cabin, "Of course, my friend, perhaps you should. It was as you expected the cube's energy is drained." He redirected his gaze on the party before him.

    "Plans will change wont they? If the Prophecy will say!" He chuckled not as louldy as before. The cabin door creaked behind him. "You will be introduced to our final member,now. My dear friend and schola--" Baudry's eyes went wide and a thin line of blood traced around his neck, it bled. Immediatley the room became a whirlwind of activity.

    The big man, clanked half-way out of his chair drawing a blue glowing blade. Veyda's hand produced a slender piece of wood, she pointed one end toward the door, her halfling companion knocked over her chair stringing her bow and nocking two arrows. The dwarf up ended the table and dove for a large hammer against the port side of the cabin. Rekkenmark disappeared.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-20-2009 at 01:51 AM.
    Using Trackless Step,

  5. #5
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Round One


    "Shadow Assassin!" Someone called out. Time slowed. A humaniod shadow floated into the space were Cartoman once stood. The shadow flowed into itself and disappeared. Everyone in the room peered at the still bleeding Cartoman on the floor. It was the bigman who was first to take action.

    "By the Flame, heal this instrument of justice, stalwart friend and defender of light!" The paladin sheathed his sword, taking one knee, stretched his hands out toward his injured friend and patron. His hands radiated a silvery blue light. All attention was focused on the paladin and his efforts to save Baudry. The dwarf snapped orders to the rest of the group.

    "Little one!" He pointed to the halfling female still with bow and arrow at the ready, "You're with me, we'll secure the lower holds, Elf, You take the other...." He searched for Rekkenmark, the halfling coalesced from the shadows by the starboard side of the cabin door, "that one-take the boy, secure the deck."

    Veyda outraged at being commanded added her own snippet.

    "What about the sixth man? Baudry mentioned a sixth." Her words although sharp were subdued by the intensity of the situation, although she wanted to sound stern she sounded frightened instead.

    "We'll just have to keep a look out for him, and if you run into that steward best bet is to leave him alone, the rocks in my head tell me he has something to do with this." He shrugged his response and with the ranger in tow plodded through the cabin door.

    Veyda and Rekkenmark exchanged tentative glances-Rekken's face offered a truce, Veyda's said she would tolerate him, she quipped, "I havent forgotten about your little insult." She stormed through the door drawing her deadly looking rapier. Rekkenmark disappeared into the shadows. The shadow slipped after the bard.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-20-2009 at 01:54 AM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default The Deck


    Veyda burst onto the deck witnessing utter chaos. The crewmen faced off against one another fighting with knives, tooth and fist-anything that was at hand. Their eyes were wild with intensity, their faces red with effort, as if they were all trying to contain something from bursting out. Amidst the roiling madness a pinkish warforged, crystals embedded throughout his body stood beneath the fire elemtal fingers delicately placed against his temples, his green eyes glowed brilliantly against the dark Xen'drik skies.

    The sound of the fire elemental competed with the maddening screams of the crew as they raced to hasten each others demise...two of the crew locked eyes with Veyda. At first they stalked like wild anmals then broke into a sprint like rabid dogs. Rapier in hand she stood ready to face them. A voice sounded in her head she swore it came from the warforged although he did not move.

    "Veyda, the helm is unoccupied the pilot has succumbed to the Madness. Take the helm, I will attempt to quell the elemental with my mind, use all the force of your personality to control it we must land safely!" the voice was metallic, surely it originated with the strange warforged. Unlike before, Veyda offered no objection, the scene too bizzaar to object-she did managed to shout feebly, "but warforged have no minds!" She made for the one-way path to the helm.

    Rekkenmark noticed the two mad crewmen lock onto Veyda. He stepped between them and her drawing the tangats from their place on his back, still in shadow he waited for the time to strike. He called on the magic of the crystalline eye embedded in his cloak he would need the added protection. A voice boomed into his mind, at first he was paralyzed by it-the feel of someone in his mind recalled a fear he only knew in a dream.

    "Brave one, defend the drow, she must have time to land the airship. The crew is lost to Madness their passing to Mabar the only cure." The sound of the voice brought Rekkenmark from the safety of the shadows and directly in front of the sprinting mad men.

    He was a blur of motion, twisting low he whipped his left foot out to trip the one on the left, at the same time hamsrtinging the one on his right with a free tangat. The wound bled a deep red spraying the deck. Rekkenmark smiled, although the memories of who he was were lost to him the familiar handles of the tangats always remembered.

    Rekkenmark settled into a defensive stance more of the madmen were taking notice of him. He backed himself down the one way path to the helm keeping half the distance to Veyda, giving the other half to his enemies.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-20-2009 at 01:55 AM.
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  7. #7
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Below and Lower


    Humgar priest of the Sovereign Host followed closely behind Jera'kla, the halfling ranger cutting a path with bow and sword. The way to the barracks was awash in blood, the dead lay piled in doors and strewn along the hallways. Indecipherable script littered the walls, blood the ink that penned the madness. each room held more and more crewmen all inflicted with Madness. In the first room, Humgar attempted an excorsism, but to no avail. Whatever gripped the men and women of Cartoman's Lady was beyond his power to mend.

    Humgar focused on holding the tide of madmen back and praying to Dol Dorn that he heal Jera'kla of her injuries lest she succumb. Jera'kla, of course had no idea what she was looking for although Humgar said she would know when she saw it. Sure enough near the back of the barracks stood a small altar a body lie cold on its surface, at the head of the altar spun a black gem. The gem seemed to suck all color and pulse with evil energies...

    The moment Humgar laid eyes on the crystal he felt his thoughts begin to change. Bloodlust was filling him. He said a prayer of protection against evil in the name of all the Host and did the same for Jera'kla.

    "I knew you'd find it," even in the deathly chaos a triumphant tone rang from the dwarf's deep bass voice.

    "We must destroy it, of course!" Jera'kla began drawing back on her longbow.

    "SKREEEEEEEEEAAAAGHH!" The mangled form of the airship's cook crashed through from somwhere above. He stood, wobblly and stiffly. His voice sounded as if it was full of a thousand, thousand high pitched voices all talking the same words.

    "The gem of madness will awake your inner desires! SKREEEEEEEEEAAAAGHH!" His hands snapped and twisted in a grotesque motion rotating in wrong directions. His neck snapped oddly and his eyes turned a deep red. The cook's ears melted showing only white bone. Before either, Humgar or Jera'kla could react the bloody mess spun to attack.

    A fireball was a near miss for both as they hit the ground. Jera'kla more nimble by far, sprung to her feet letting arrows fly as she moved about the cabin hoping to distract her foe long enough for the Priest Humgar to mount a proper attack himself. It wasnt long before the female halfling's fingers ached with firing so many arrows at once, she dropped the bow, and drew forth a pair of shining shortswords and closed with the monster.

    Humgar, thankful for a moments respite called upon his deities. He knew that not only his life, but the entire ship may depend upon the outcome of the battle.
    The priest began to sweat as he called forth his most devastating spells.

    A protective barrier of spinning blades clanged around him, sounding danger to any who walked within range. He called upon the vengeance of his Gods. He tossed ray after ray of holy light, searing the flesh of the abomination, and near the end when his mind was exhausted from channeling divine magic he raised his mace for one last charge.

    The ranger and the priest stood over the remains of the twisted human. The priest said words of forgiveness to his Gods on behalf of the poor cook.

    "Destroy the gem." The dwarf's voice lack luster, he was spent from the fight with the demon-man, "Let's find out how Veyda fairs on the deck, her and the halfling may need our help."
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 05-20-2009 at 04:40 AM.
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  8. #8
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Deceptions are Stranded

    Crackling fire woke Rekkenmark. The wreckage of the airship littered the jungle in a streak as long as a dragon's tail. Moving as little as possible Rekken checked the perimeter of the jungle for signs of movement. Checked himself for injury. He tried to stand and to his surprise did so with only a modicum of pain to his right leg. He stretched testing his limbs. Pain from his right leg shot up through his hip, back and neck. He stumbled surprised at its intensity. Quick observation showed the hip bone slightly out of joint. He turned his face to the sky, rotated his right hip in a powerful circular motion. He screamed. And fell to his hands and knees the soot covered ground replacing the blue sky framed by the green of the jungle. He heard movement. 7 o clock about 15 meters. Instantly, Rekkenmark banished the pain. Identify target, determine threat.

    He pulled a dagger from what was left of his leather armor, and prepared to roll, come to his knees and whip the dagger in a side motion. Then the target coughed. It was female. He stood quickly and readied the dagger.

    "Really? I survived this far to be killed by you?" Veyda, apparently uninjured, rose and stalked toward Rekken.

    "Nagh *cough*" His throat felt on fire when he tried to speak, he dropped the dagger, and showed Veyda both palms waving them harmlessly. Her sheathe was empty, yet rekken knew bard's commanded magic.

    Veyda stopped bendt her arms at the elbow with her hands reaching for something...and shouted.

    It was hours before Rekkenmark stirred.

    Her crying woke him this time. She knelt by the body of the big man from the airship. The paladin.
    It looked like he attempted to shield the halfling, from what Rekken couldnt tell. They both lay motionless. A metallic voice spoke.

    "Baudry saw something like this not days ago, during a divination spell." The Psiforged, Julanar, stood behind Rekkenmark, and Veyda. Veyda popped to her feat and swung at the living construct.
    Julanar made no detectable movement. Veyda's fist halted midswing she reached with her left and encountered the same phenomena. "Your anger and frustration is understandable, the loss of friends is always so. But the dimesnional seal is still weak, and Xendrik, the world still hangs in jeapordy. for the sake of those we have lost, the grief must wait." The force holding veyda's hands released them and they fell to her side.

    "I am sorry." Julanar took his large hand and cupped Veyda's right hand. He dragged her into an embrace. She screamed a horrible scream, she cried and settled against the Pisforge.

    Rekkenmark built a fire away from the carnage of the airship. Weapons were salvaged from the wreckage. A small satchel of goods were taken, Julanar strapped those to his back. Rekken managed to find both of his Talenta tangats. Veyda's rapier, Shiner, was lost. She replaced it with a shortsword. She insisted on keeping the sheathe, as it was a gift from some Shiek in far away Riedra.

    A last prayer, and moment of silence was had before leaving. It was night now but no one wanted to be near the death and destruction. A new attitude fell over the survivors of Skycutter. it was more than the need to survive.
    Last edited by EdsanDarkbane; 06-09-2010 at 11:14 AM.
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  9. #9
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Cool Lost Notes

    I put this story together in the hopes that someone that worked for Turbine would bring it to the attention of the developers. It was an attempt to show Turbine that we needed more immersion. Hence, the use of previous quest givers and locations in and around Stormreach. I first posted this well before reincarnation and airships were available. The Phiarlin Carnival quest line was the first update of quests added.

    I have since moved (irl)and lost my notes regarding this little story. There werent many notes as any experienced writer can probably tell.

    I also lost interest in Rekkenmark. He was my AC ninja build; since my first post they added glancing blows and nerfed AC. I felt those changes cheapened Rekkenmark, and now only play him when im really bored.

    It took over a year to hit 1k views. Thanx for reading. See you in game.
    Using Trackless Step,

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