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  1. #181
    Community Member ZenAkrua's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say that this build is exactly what my boyfriend was looking for. He wanted a warforged caster sword-wielder, and this looks exactly like what he wants. My only question is.. could this be converted to elf? I don't have warforged unlocked and I'd rather use elf due to roleplay reasons. :O

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenAkrua View Post
    Just wanted to say that this build is exactly what my boyfriend was looking for. He wanted a warforged caster sword-wielder, and this looks exactly like what he wants. My only question is.. could this be converted to elf? I don't have warforged unlocked and I'd rather use elf due to roleplay reasons. :O
    making this build elf removes the most important facet of the build: easy, reliable self healing.

    PS to everyone else: i made some adjustments to my enhancements when i LR'd. I'll update soon.

  3. #183
    Community Member ZenAkrua's Avatar
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    Okay that's fine, was just curious.
    One more question though: What skills should he invest in? I'm assuming Concentration, a rank in Tumble, Balance, and Jump?

  4. #184
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    Having made the transition from TWF to THF has been a nice one. I still have some gear to obtain and some decisions to make when I get there, but so far I'm very happy. To-hit is better, dps is a little lower but survivability is much higher due to quickened reconstructs.

    I will probably be making some tweaks here and there. I've recently found out Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude doesn't work, supposedly. I'm thinking I will dump those enhancements, find some other places I can pick up a few points, and throw enhancements into fire/ice. I'll use a Fire Savant belt and also swap out the Torq occasionally if I have to for Superior Potency VI. I'll probably drop Stoneskin and pick up Wall of Fire instead. I don't find myself re-upping on Stoneskin lately, since in epic the 10 DR doesn't mean a whole lot. I just find it easier to take the hits and heal myself. I'm also considering dropping Greater Two-Handed Fighting and picking up maximize spell.

    I'm not 100% sure on this matter but I might give it a go. I think maximized Walls of Fire will definitely increase DPS much more than Greater Two-Handed Fighting.

  5. #185
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    Ran into some issues with my new build of this guy. I eventually decided that the two-handed chain wasn't going to add as much damage as fighting in my own Walls of Fire. I decided to drop the chain in favor of Maximize Spell and two Mental Toughness feats. When I went back to make my final feat swap, I discovered you need BAB +1 to take Weapon Focus: Slashing (which I should have known). I decided to swap Two-Handed Fighting for Force of Personality. I lost +1 to-hit, but gained +4 to will saves, which allows me to always fight with a Yugoloth Potion without fear of failing saves.

    Final saves are pretty nice, 40/34/38.

  6. #186
    Community Member battlesign's Avatar
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    I'd like to roll up a spellsword, but I'm worried how well it would play on end game content. Also, I have a feeling it would be tough to get into a lot of groups as well. How has the build played out in those regards? Sorry if this has been answered already, but there are just too many pages, and too little time to go through them all hehe.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by battlesign View Post
    I'd like to roll up a spellsword, but I'm worried how well it would play on end game content. Also, I have a feeling it would be tough to get into a lot of groups as well. How has the build played out in those regards? Sorry if this has been answered already, but there are just too many pages, and too little time to go through them all hehe.
    it plays great, sure i don't have the DPS of a barbarian or fighter or whatever, but i am supremely self sufficient and can get the job done. leveling can be tough, and you have to have a lot of friends to get into parties, probably. i was lucky enough to be fairly well known and thus accepted just by virtue of people knowing it was me.

  8. #188
    Community Member BinyaminTsadik's Avatar
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    Default 160 health from Con?

    How do you plan on getting 160 health from constitution bonus?

    160/20 = 8 bonus
    8 bonus = 8*2 +10 = 26 con

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by BinyaminTsadik View Post
    How do you plan on getting 160 health from constitution bonus?

    160/20 = 8 bonus
    8 bonus = 8*2 +10 = 26 con
    Well, firstly, there are two different sets of scores for most everything. The "new" ability scores on the THF version start with 16 base con, add a +2 tome, +2 warforged con, and +6 item for 26 con. I actually plan to have +2 exceptional con on a TOD ring, so that will make the con score 28. I actually miscalculated and will end up with 20 more hit points.

    On the lower, 14 con version, you can get to 26 con with the exceptional bonus.

  10. #190
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    How well does this build do if you don't have mad gear? In particular, is it still viable if you don't have a stack of DP clickies out the wazoo to make up for the low BAB?

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    How well does this build do if you don't have mad gear? In particular, is it still viable if you don't have a stack of DP clickies out the wazoo to make up for the low BAB?
    I, honestly, don't know. Probably not too well. You will struggle with attack bonuses and possibly feel quite inadequate. I really don't recommend trying this without as much divine power as you can get your hands on.

    However, Eladrin indicated that he liked a suggestion I made for Tenser's Transformation, which in the future may make this work much better. If the change is implemented, I will change the levels to 13sorc/5pal/2mnk to take TT for a level 6 spell.

  12. #192
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    I was wondering how to make tenser's transformation work in this build with out gimping the character?

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by garash View Post
    I was wondering how to make tenser's transformation work in this build with out gimping the character?
    Right now, you don't. In the future, hopefully it will be feasible.

  14. #194
    Community Member basketaske's Avatar
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    How'd you pick force of personality at lvl 1, with 12 cha? Once again, this might just be me being thick
    Working crafted handwraps, that would be nice. Anytime soon.

  15. #195
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    Last edited by Vernah; 08-24-2010 at 10:50 AM.

  16. #196
    Community Member Calonderial's Avatar
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    Default Ace build

    +1 rep to originator of said build, i was quickly able to level and solo a lot ofcontent when no groups where going, currently at 16 and climbing. My only change was going with long swords with whirling steel strike which allows me to remain centred and keep +2 to str from consuming flame stance.

    one of the better multiclass builds ive seen in a long while


  17. #197
    Community Member Vaulgar's Avatar
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    Hi Asp, just wanted to post to sing some praises for this build. I'm currently lvl 9 using the 28pt TWF version of this build and it just keeps amazing me. I just left a Red Fens group running Claw. We got to the treasure room and one of the noobs went in and busted a vase. After being the last one alive and downing the bone giant boss by myself, I can say for sure that this build has the power of survivability and damage. Excellent work Asp. Thanks for finding a diamond in the rough of caster/melee builds.

  18. #198
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    Anyone have any ideas on what feat to take instead of improved critical (once you get your min 2 weapon)?

    I was considering Enlarge for wall of fire, Empower, Power Critical, or Greater Weapon Focus. Any ideas?

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calonderial View Post
    +1 rep to originator of said build, i was quickly able to level and solo a lot ofcontent when no groups where going, currently at 16 and climbing. My only change was going with long swords with whirling steel strike which allows me to remain centred and keep +2 to str from consuming flame stance.

    one of the better multiclass builds ive seen in a long while

    I'm glad you're having a good time with it, I know I did. I probably would have gone whirling steel as well, had it been in the game when I first leveled this character. It's definitely a solid choice for the first levels.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaulgar View Post
    Hi Asp, just wanted to post to sing some praises for this build. I'm currently lvl 9 using the 28pt TWF version of this build and it just keeps amazing me. I just left a Red Fens group running Claw. We got to the treasure room and one of the noobs went in and busted a vase. After being the last one alive and downing the bone giant boss by myself, I can say for sure that this build has the power of survivability and damage. Excellent work Asp. Thanks for finding a diamond in the rough of caster/melee builds.
    Again, I'm glad you're having fun with it. One of the best features of this build, IMHO, is the combination of survivability and sustainable damage. Character death is something that almost never happens, and you are usually the last person left standing if the **** hits the fan. Word of advice, make sure you have a raise dead clickie or two, a long time ago I didn't have one on this guy since I solo'd constantly and failed on a short-man DQ elite due to my oversight. However, we did win the next attempt and I pulled my worked out for my benefit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vernah View Post
    Anyone have any ideas on what feat to take instead of improved critical (once you get your min 2 weapon)?

    I was considering Enlarge for wall of fire, Empower, Power Critical, or Greater Weapon Focus. Any ideas?
    I'd probably say Empower, which version are you using? THF or TWF? The THF version still benefits greatly from Improved Critical once they get the ESOS.

  20. #200
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    I find this build most facinating, but I have two questions,

    one, if we do not have the monk class, what would be the best replacement for the two monk levels? Fighter for extra feats, rouge par the original build, etc.

    and second, just to clarify, is the new build a THF?

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