I am at a point where i am on the verge of getting bored. It really seems this new mod is really dragging and takeing too long to be released.I really like all my toons but am at a point where id like to try another class build,and with all items i have on my toons i find it really hard to just delete one of them in order to make a new one.Besides shouldnt there be enough character slots to try 1 of every class?I dont think that openning another acount is really worth it, since im barely logging on as is to play this with alot of folks quitting and or takeing a break,this game really needs a jump start to get folks back into it and involved.Anyway i would like to propose to help all of us starving players for the new mod,PLEASE GIVE US ANOTHER SLOT TO ROLL UP A NEW TOON....and by the way anyone that agrees with me plz sign this too show your also in dire need of some kind of ,shall we say tideing us over for the long wait for mod9. peace out