Want to buy +5 Greater Bane Greataxes, of every type. Oh yea, Dwarven Axes too, tho I don't value them as highly.
So far I have (greataxes):
Need all the rest.
Offering from 50-250kpp depending on type and other mods.
Also trading +2 str/cha/con tomes for exceptional good ones, or multiples.
Other things of value for trade:
Cloak of Curses
Jinx Vexation
Pop10, lvl9
White scales (only 2-3)
w/p heavy pick
lots of medium ingredients
some small ingredients (all cept scales)
Perhaps even a +2 int/other stat tome for an incredibly good one, like a +5 holy greater bane.
Only one i'll take non +5 is like +3 holy silver of evil/lawful outsider bane, or
+3 holy cold iron evil/chaotic outsider
Can't be true law or ture chaos or RR: anything, cept Dawrf. No umd on my TN barbs.