Looking for Shield Pieces 3,4 & 7

I've got a whole bunch of random stuff for trade as well as plat

Random Smattering of stuff:

+1 Banishing Rapier of Lesser Lawful Outsider Bane
+1 Banishing Rapier of Deception
+1 Flaming Khopesh of Smiting
Cloak of Protection +5
+1 Tomes
+2 Weakening Kama of Enfeebling
Tome Pages 3 & 8
Blade Barrier Scrolls
ml 11 Int +6 Dwarf Goggles
+1 Full Plate of Lightning Guard (RR Dwarf ML 2)
Proof Against Poison Belt of Heavy Fort

Respond here or via PM or find me online as:

Dorrik, Wyrmnwood, Dakotta, Depravity, Jorax, Deathmist