what ever you wanna offer plat or stuff shoot me an offer
what ever you wanna offer plat or stuff shoot me an offer
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)
Is there anything you might be looking for other than plat?
I'll buy any greensteels you have...plat or larges or maybe we can make a deal for the +8 ac bracers
Khyber::Ransack::Taomoat(wis monk), Tamat (fvs), Moat(pally)
i am looking for anything of value plat larges good items and gear and yes + 8 ac bracers yah i know they will be common place in a few weeks or maybe days if we are lucky but i still want them now.
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)
GS rapier
large scales
let me know.
/TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge
Have you managed to sell any of your rapier yet?
Everytime I ask how much I never get an answer
I think you are discriminating against me
/TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge
yes you can have the rapier
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)
No offense, descartes, but I keep seeing the same theme over and over with your trades, both in the trades channel and on the forums. You offer something (typically a GS raiper) but then neglect to respond to queries about price or trade options.
Follow up on your trades...
i am sorry if i miss you guys on-line i will be on tonight on descartes at 10 o clock central time with 3 GS rapiers ready to be sold send me a pm or a message on the forums so we can get intouch
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)