-The Scout-
The scout is a master of the arts of skirmishing and guerrilla warfare. This character combines speed and precision to take down his foes.
Alignment: The scout has no alignment restriction.
BAB: The scout has the same BAB as a rogue.
Hit Dice: The scout has a hit dice of d8.
Proficiencies: The scout starts with proficiency with light armor, simple weapons, hand axes, throwing axes, short swords, and short bow.
Skills & Skill Points: The scout gets skill points equal to 8+Int modifier, and has a selection consisting of Jump, Swim, Balance, Tumble, Move Silently, Hide, Search, Listen, and Spot.
1: Skirmish 1d6; Trapfinding
2: Battle Fortitude 1
3: Fast Movement 1; Skirmish 1d6/+1 AC; Trackless Step
4: Bonus Feat
5: Evasion; Skirmish 2d6/+1 AC
6: Flawless Stride
7: Skirmish 2d6/+2 AC
8: Camouflage; Bonus Feat
9: Skirmish 3d6/+2 AC
10: Blindsense
11: Battle Fortitude 2; Skirmish 3d6/+3 AC; Fast Movement 2
12: Bonus Feat
13: Skirmish 5d6/+3 AC
14: Hide in Plain Sight
15: None
16: Bonus Feat
17: Skirmish 5d6/+4 AC
18: Free Movement
19: Skirmish 5d6/+5 AC
20: Battle Fortitude 3; Blindsight; Bonus Feat
Skirmish: While moving, a scout deals additional damage and gains a temporary dodge bonus to AC.
Battle Fortitude: While wearing light armor, a scout gets +1 to his fortitude and reflex saves. This increases to +2 at level 11 and +3 at level 20.
Fast Movement: You move 10% faster. This bonus increases to 20% at 11.
Trackless Step: You gain a +4 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently.
Flawless Stride: You get a +10 insight bonus to Balance while moving.
Free Movement: You are treated as always effected by Freedom of Movement.
Camouflage: You gain a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide.
Hide in Plain Sight: You gain 2 "eyes" while sneaking, effectively lowering any circumstance penalties to sneaking.
Blindsense: Foes with cover are treated as having 25% less cover from your attacks.
Blindsight: You attacks aren't effected by cover.
Bonus Feats: Scouts may choose from the following: Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Athletic, Combat Expertise, Diehard, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack.
Scout Haste Boost I-IV
Scout Sprint Boot I-IV
Scout Saves Boos I-IV
Scout Extra Action Boosts I-II
Scout Saves: Reflex I-IV
Scout Saves: Fortitude I-IV
Scout Dexterity I-III
Scout Balance I-IV
Scout Hide I-IV
Scout Move Silently I-IV
Scout Tumble I-IV
Scout Jump I-IV
Scout Swim I-IV
Scout Mobility I-III
Scout Skirmishing Damage I-IV
Scout Skirmishing Precision I-III
Scout Subtle Skirmisher I-V
Prestige Enhancements
Scout Horizon Walker I-III
Scout Shadowdancer I-III
Scout Dervish I-III
More about enhancements on post 2.