Many of us have put hours into framing and making shroud weapons. As you at DDO have saw fit not to release all weapons at the same time and are going to change some of the properties of those we have already built in Mod 9. I think its only fair you allow us to deconstruct the ones we have made and get back the basic ingredients it took to make the shards to enhance the weapon blank. I don’t mine loosing the shards, the weapon blank or the ingredients it took to make the weapon blank, but as large devil scale seem to be the hardest of all ingredients to get and most needed ingredients to craft. This would be a major fact in rebuilding the weapons we would have built in the first place if we knew they were available when crafting became available. Prime example; most of us would have never built great swords if great axes were available. Most of us would have never made Mineral 2 slashing weapons over Mineral 2 blunt weapons if we knew you were going to change it in Mod 9.