+1 Frost Anarchic Greataxe
Min lvl 2 - no dmg
Looking for Daggertooth's Belt
+1 Frost Anarchic Greataxe
Min lvl 2 - no dmg
Looking for Daggertooth's Belt
Got 1 for ya
My toons are Hurtzz,Skillzz,Killzz,Panttera,Lieza,Saphinia,Rezz in,Powersupply,and Lyrickzz
Been pwr lvling Powersupply and Lyrickzz so check them first
Don't congratulate mediocrity,It makes people comfortable with being Normal. (Hurtzz)
Nameerror,Bluezz,Tankzz,Powersupply,Rezzin,Ohmzz, Critz,Skillzz,Bullzzeye,Frenzyzz,Killzz,Mishezz, Favorzz,Hurtzz,Stuntzz,Panttera,Stuntzz,Beastzz, and Sinnzz