Hi Folks,
my friends and I have been playing off-and-on in a small, dedicated play group since beta. At this point, there're five of us between levels 12-13, and none of us have had any higher level characters. We're starting to run up against RAID content (Vault of Night, and soon the Demon Queen), but haven't been successful in trying to five or six man VoN. Still working on relics for Reaver.
We play once a week on Saturday nights around 9-9:30 pm PST on. We use Ventrilo. Our equipment is average non-raid gear and far from uber. We don't zerg and rarely repeat content we've managed to complete.
I'm looking for another fixed play group, small guild, or simply some like-minded individuals who would be interested in teaming with us once a month or so to run raids. Veteran or newb to the raid doesn't matter, so long as you're willing to work with folks who don't know the content well (and use spoilers sparingly, if at all) without getting impatient.
Drop me a PM or post here if you're interested in discussing a "micro-raid" alliance with my group. VoN is the first likely candidate on our raid wish-list.