I have a pair on my bard and very rarely use them( I traded for these by exchanging the goggles , not even the the casters in the group wanted them, in fact the guild still made me roll being the only one) . If the arcane bracers came up for roll, id take them too. I do run out of sp on my bard, alot(1070 Sp Warchanter). Mass cures, haste, rage , displace, gh, fom,mind fog,glitter dust , dance orb and my favorite ottos irresistable. Everyone needs to look at the overall reward in this raid based upon classes, and a couple of other raids fall into this category as well. I have the bards cloak what else do i possibly need, but everyone wants a bard for this quest? I would benefit greatly from the googgles since my melee attacks dont draw agro, true seeing undispellable, but i can cast ts scrolls or use greater dispell if need be. The armor ,, can clerics roll on this? I wouldn't on my bard, but what else can a cleric roll on ?