Hi everyone! Episode 114 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.
This week's show features guest co-host Xiloscient along with more from Lammania, other Mod 9 and DDO talk! Sorrowbladen discusses early barbarian considerations on "Kill on Commans", Rheebus has his top 10 Mod 9 changes in "Rheebus' Top Ten", BigBadBarry continues his look into the Demon Queed raid loot in "From the Treasure Trove" and Steiner-Davion looks at the adamantine ritual in "Definitive Collectibles". Thanks everyone for your segments and thanks all for listening!
DDOcast Episode 114 (4-26-09)
:15 Intro
1:10 When?
2:20 Lammania Event Monday
3:35 Lammania - Devil Battlefield
9:05 New DDO.com
13:15 Web Site talk
14:30 DDO 1 Liners
16:08 Marketplace writeup
16:47 Map changes in Mod 9
17:30 Guildless Guild event on Khyber
18:20 Necropolis Crafting
21:30 Meteor Swarm arcing
22:18 DDO-Europe Video Competition and downtime
23:03 Cleric Hireling DV
24:14 Kill on Command
29:47 Rheebus' Top Ten
35:41 From the Treasure Trove
41:15 Definitive Collectibles
44:40 Event - Khyber - Stormreach Parade
45:45 LotroCast
47:03 Emails
50:31 Thanks and FRAPS
51:00 Errata and end
Here's a LINK to event details about Monday's thing on Lammania.
Here's a LINK to info about the new DDO.com.
Here's a LINK to DDO 1 Liners and here's a LINK to info about the latest comics on DDO-Europe.com.
Here's a LINK to the new marketplace writeup on DDO.com.
Here's a LINK to Sir Aggravator's video "Close Encounters of the Dance Kind" that won the DDO-Europe Third Anniversary Video Competition.
Here's a LINK to more information about the Stormreach Parade on Khyber being organized by Aussieee.