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  1. #1
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    Default Almosta Cleric - Almosta Rogue (clogue build)

    Almosta Cleric - Almosta Rogue

    Overall, this is simply a very fun character to play. It isn't an uber build. It isn't a solo specialist (although he definately does ok by himself). It isn't a good offensive cleric (unless you consider a maximized BB offensive). It does 2 things and it does them pretty **** well. It is a healbot, and it is a trapmonkey. Of course you can do either better with a build designed for those roles.

    For now, this character is kind of just a pet project for me. I haven't put the effort into him as I have my other cleric build (here). As a result, you will see a lotta "this could be better" type of comments but I wanted to go ahead and post this cause I've been gettin questions about it in game (it is always easier to toss people a link). Here is the build as it currently stands.

    Much of the build credit goes to Lifespawn on his build thread here: I switched his build to human (same starting stats) primarily for the human versatility and modified it slightly as I leveled up and figured out what I was lacking and overkill in.

    14 Cleric / 2 Rogue

    Str - 14 = 8 Base + 6 item
    Dex - 20 = 12 Base + 2 Enhancements (1rogue/1Human) + 6 item
    Con - 20 = 12 Base + 2 Tome + 6 item
    Int - 22 = 14 Base + 2 Tome + 6 item
    Wis - 34 = 18 Base + 4 Levels + 4 Enhancements (3cleric/1human) + 6 item
    Chr - 20 = 10 Base + 2 Tome + 2 Enhancements (cleric) + 6 item

    Feats/ Class level Progression
    Level 1: Rogue - Feat Toughness - Feat (human) Lightning Reflexes
    Level 2-3: Cleric - Feat Extend
    Level 4-6: Cleric - Feat Mental Toughness
    Level 7-9: Cleric - Feat Heighten (later swapped out)
    Level 10-12: Cleric - Feat Improved Mental Toughness
    Level 13: Rogue
    Level 14-15: Cleric - Feat Maximize
    Levle 16 Cleric - Swap Heighten For Quicken

    Fort 23 = 9 base + 5 con + 4 Greater Herosim + 2 Recitation + 3 nightshield
    Reflex 23 = 7 Base + 5 dex + 2 Feat (lightning reflexes) + 4 Greater Herosim + 2 Recitation + 3 nightshield
    Will 30 = 9 Base + 12 wis + 4 Greater Herosim + 2 Recitation + 3 nightshield

    Of course the above could all better with better items but I find them sufficient for all endgame raiding while I work on equiping other characters

    600 Base
    276 Wis = 23 * 12
    330 Feat = 85 MT + 85 IMT + 80 EotZ III
    150 Wiz VI
    1356sp total

    Once again..better equip..last EotZ + wiz7/archmagi + shroud sp item bumps this up to 1550ish

    156 Base
    80 Con
    20 Toughness
    20 Racial Toughness
    20 Heroic Durabality
    10 Favor
    30 GFL
    20 Minos Helm
    45 shroud
    399 hp total

    Of course the theme of this is build is currently "what could be" +10 GH favor (I'm currently 4 favor away) + 45 shroud puts him at 347hp...

    AC - Nothing to speak of. Maybe once I start trying to really equip this guy I'll see what I can get to or I might even toss in a level of monk once cap goes up but for right now, he settles for using quicken instead of AC.

    Skills - THis is the fun part. I have extrapolated these out to lvl 20 for now with the assumption I end up 18/2
    Search - 64 = 23 ranks + 6 int + 9 cleric find traps + 15 item + 4 GH + 4 human versatility + 2 Luck (HoGF) + 1 Rogue search
    Disable - 61 = 23 ranks + 6 int + 15 item + 4 GH + 4 human versatility + 2 Luck (HoGF) + 1 rogue disable + 7 tools
    OL - 51 = 13 ranks + 5 dex + 15 item + 4 GH + 4 human versatility + 2 luck (HoGF) + 1 rogue open lock + 7 tools
    UMD - 41 = 23 ranks + 5 cha + 3 item (cartouche) + 4 GH + 4 human versatility + 2 luck (HoGF)
    Spot - 36 = 4 ranks + 12 wis + 15 item + 4 GH + 2 luck (HoGF).

    Of course all of these once again, could be enhanced with shroud items but there really isn't a need. with the exception of Cabal, he was able to search out and disable all traps on elite at approprite level (or in most cases below level as is pretty much standard). He is able to "not fail on a 1" the traps in Rainbow on elite currently. Surprisingly enough, it took until level 12ish before someone pointed out that the only problem with having a cleric trapmonkey is that the cleric is usually the person to res the rogue when they roll a 1. I have never failed a trap on this chracter so it never actually occured to me.
    Last edited by kinar; 10-15-2010 at 11:51 AM.

  2. #2
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    bumping this build as I've started leveling him again (almost 18 currently) and I'm looking for input (that is to say that I'm looking for input other than "*** were you thinking?"). He was originally built to be able to reach all the highwater marks for trapsmithing while maintaining the ability to be a viable cleric. I would like to keep that in mind while I finish him out and gear him.

    Looking ideas on howto equip this guy to maximize his clericing and trapsmith abilities.

    At 18 I will pickup emp heal and respec to pickup radient servent.

    I have been toying with the idea of taking a level of monk to get wis bonus to AC, and to free up my toughness feat for something more usable (as well as for a few extra skill points to pump into OL). That would result in -1 to my search from find traps spell. Thoughts?

    I am also open to suggestions for dropping the mental toughness and possibly the lightning reflex feats if you guys have suggestions in that area.

    The funny thing about this character is that I get less usefulness with TRing him since the +2 stat points simply offsets the +2 int tome I used at lvl 1 (it would result in a net gain of 5 skill points on the first TR at level 20 IF I have a +3 tome banked to eat at lvl 13). So I'm not really looking to do that any time soon with this guy.

    Someone mentioned that there is a door in EVON that requires a 90 OL...I'm not seeing any possible way that I can get this guy to that mark right? Is there anything else that has been added to the game that has rediculously high search/disable requirements?

    I recently came back to the game so I am not entirely familiar with all the epic and mindsunder loot available. I am very familiar with shroud stuff and the raid stuff currently in game. What shroud item slots DON'T I want to craft for this guy to max his abilities?
    Last edited by kinar; 10-15-2010 at 12:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Time Bandit
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    Natashaelle's Avatar
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    Cleric/Rogues are BRILLIANT !!!

    OK, u need to max out INT, and compromise like heck -- but people's reactions when the healbot starts disarming is PRICELESS !!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natashaelle View Post
    Cleric/Rogues are BRILLIANT !!!

    OK, u need to max out INT, and compromise like heck -- but people's reactions when the healbot starts disarming is PRICELESS !!!
    I'm not sure I would go as far as saying BRILLIANT but, imo, this is about the hardest possible build to make in the game simply because you need 5 stats very high and because focusing on 3.5 cross-class skills on a non-int favored class that gets 2 skill pts per level is a very daunting task.

    Anyway...thinkin a bit more about OL and trying to hit that 90 OL for EV5...

    Curently, he sits at

    OL - 51 = 13 ranks + 5 dex + 15 item + 4 GH + 4 human versatility + 2 luck (HoGF) + 1 rogue open lock + 7 tools

    If I do end up going 1 level of monk, I can put 1 more in OL.
    +2 dex tome (haven't eaten a dex tome on this guy yet) = another +1
    Craft and exceptional dex item (+2 until I get a +3 dex tome or a +7 dex epic for him) for situational use...another +1/2
    Craft a +6 dex skills item
    +2 bard song

    this puts me at
    51 + 1(monk) + 1 (tome) + 1 or 2 (crafted dex item) + 6 (dex skills item) + 2 (bard) = 62 or 63 + d20 = max possible of 83

    Anything else I'm missing? If I went rogue instead of monk (it makes the rest of the character less useful since I lose a feat), that would free up 4 more skill points to put into OL...AND they wouldn't be cross class (for a total of +5 over a monk level)...but that still puts me at an 88 max (on a 20)....which if I can't make that lock, I don't want to even try.

  5. #5
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    I have played a cleric/rogue in the past. I found the build to be very effective. I had considered taking only 17 levels of cleric and splashing in monk as well. It provides the opportunity for an interesting melee-centric build with potentially high AC but still able to cast effectively as a healer if needed.

    I went with drow because of the boosts to INT and DEX along with the DEX enhancements. These help compensate for needing to spend build points on INT to be generally effective on traps.

    Certainly not a replacement for a well designed wizard/rogue or a mechanic rogue in the trap arena but still quite capable.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    Certainly not a replacement for a well designed wizard/rogue or a mechanic rogue in the trap arena but still quite capable.
    I'm quite curious as to why you believe this statement to be true.

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