I stumbled upon a web site that re-enacts movies but replaces all the characters with bunnies. Its very funny and I thought I'd share.


Diehard, snakes on a plane and the grudge were especially funny to me.

also a guy I know told me hes been playing in a band in his free time for a while now. He gave me the website for their live videos and recorded songs. I thought it was pretty good so here it is for all you music buffs.


beware they have a music player thats picks a random song and starts playing on the left side of the page, if you dont notice it and start playing a video, the 2 songs overlap and it sounds terrible. I actually thought he was putting me on and that his band sucked until I noticed it was 2 songs playing at the same time..... then I was like cool because I would hate to have to lie to him and say "yeah it was pretty cool" If I really thought it sucked. I hate having to lie.

I thought the band played well but the singer was holding something back....he wasnt generating enuff energy for me. Maybe he needs a few drinks to get started or at least go running before the show, that works also.