Anyone else have guildportal and noticing that as of late they seem to be having alot of downtime or that their pages take forEVER to load?
Anyone else have guildportal and noticing that as of late they seem to be having alot of downtime or that their pages take forEVER to load?
Ghallanda: KaTet|Nuveah-20clrc|Niyowin-12 pali|Zafirah-Xoriat-16 src| Zafyrah-13 Rgr|
Thelanis: Dark Exile|Nakia- 13 clr (RIP)|Niyobi-1-18 clr|Niyobi-8 clr|Yalkara-11 fvs| Nuveah-8 clr|
**Born and raised in Xoriat: Xantara/Nakia/Nuveah**
Yup. It's super slow (when it even loads) and has been for two days now. Today's worse than yesterday.
Ugh. It's annoying as heck. I agree, it seems today's been the worst. I wish that they'd work more on adding support and add-ons for games that have been out for forever (like ddo) then to mess around adding new games. Was just curious if it was something on MY end or if it's in fact that GP's having issues.
Ghallanda: KaTet|Nuveah-20clrc|Niyowin-12 pali|Zafirah-Xoriat-16 src| Zafyrah-13 Rgr|
Thelanis: Dark Exile|Nakia- 13 clr (RIP)|Niyobi-1-18 clr|Niyobi-8 clr|Yalkara-11 fvs| Nuveah-8 clr|
**Born and raised in Xoriat: Xantara/Nakia/Nuveah**
It looks like they fixed it now - nice and snappy.
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
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|||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||
Dont know why but my guildies are having a hell of a time logging on to guild portal now. When they finally get there all seems fine