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  1. #1
    Community Member Invalid_82's Avatar
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    Cool Reference for the new Stalwart Defender III PrE

    I am writing this as a quick reference resource for people interested in the Stalwart Defender III PrE. Please let me know if any of this should be corrected.

    * Please note*(in brackets are the limiter for the max dex)
    Also the total ac gain is from just the Armour/Shield/Dex, no rituals, DT runes or magical properties .. this is strictly the total ac gain from the base gear itself.

    DT FP and Tower for non dwarf .... MDB of 6 or shooting for 22 dex
    (1 DT + 2 PrE + 3 FAM = 6) ... total ac gain 30 (15 DT + 9 TS + 6 Dex = 30)

    DT FP and Tower for dwarf .... MDB of 8 or shooting for 26 dex
    (2 Tower + 3 PrE + 3 FSM = 8) ... total ac gain 32 (15 DT + 9 TS + 8 Dex = 32)

    DT FP and Mith Tower for non dwarf .... MDB of 6 or shooting for 22 dex
    (1 DT + 2 PrE +3 FAM = 6) ... total ac gain 30 (15 DT + 9 TS + 6 Dex = 30)

    DT FP and Mith Tower for dwarf .... MDB of 9 or shooting for 28 dex
    (1 DT + 2 PrE + 3 FAM + 3 DAM = 9) ... total ac gain 33 (15 DT + 9 TS + 9 Dex = 33)

    MFP and Tower for non dwarf .... MDB of 7 or shooting for 24 dex
    (3 MFP + 1 PrE + 3 FAM = 7) ... total ac gain 29 (13 MFP + 9 TS + 7 Dex = 29)

    MFP and Tower for dwarf .... MDB of 8 or shooting for 26 dex
    (2 Tower + 3 PrE + 3 FSM = 8) ... total ac gain 30 (13 MFP + 9 TS + 8 Dex = 30)

    MFP and Mith Tower for non dwarf .... MDB of 7 or shooting for 26 dex
    (3 MFP + 1 PrE + 3 FAM = 7) ... total ac gain 29 (13 MFP + 9 TS + 7 Dex = 29)

    MFP and Mith Tower for dwarf .... MDB of 10 or shooting for 30 dex
    (3 MFP + 1 PrE + 3 FAM + 3 DAM = 10 for MFP)
    (4 MTS + 3 PrE + 3 FSM = 10 for MTS) ... total ac gain 32 ... (13 MFP + 9 TS + 10 Dex = 32)

    Also for reference: Stalwart Defender III
    +3 Max Dex Bonus to Tower Shields
    +2 Max Dex Bonus to Heavy Armour
    +1 Max Dex Bonus to Med Armour

    This information should make it much easier to use as reference for what dex you want to aim for with current information. I will update this if any new items come out to change this base breakdown.
    Last edited by Kiitya/Kitya; 04-21-2009 at 04:07 AM.
    Prey - Extinction - Deamos - Darkprey
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  2. #2
    Community Member Invalid_82's Avatar
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    Default A look at max ac breakdown

    Please let me know if any of this is incorrect:


    10 ac base
    15 armour
    9 tower Shield
    1 ritual
    4 dodge bonus from stance
    3 untyped bonus from tier III PrE
    9 max dex as dwarf
    5 deflection
    3 dodge chattering ring or dt rune
    4 insight gs or dt rune
    2 chaosguards
    5 CE active
    1 dodge feat
    71 standing AC


    3 barkskin pot
    1 haste
    75 easy to achieve AC


    5 current pally aura
    2 ranger barkskin
    4 song
    2 recitation
    1 increased pally aura
    89 raid ac


    5 fighter armor boost
    94 temporary raid boosted ac

    2 active blocking
    3 increased ac from active blocking with stalwart III
    99 ac
    Last edited by Kiitya/Kitya; 04-25-2009 at 01:27 PM.
    Prey - Extinction - Deamos - Darkprey
    Hand of the Black Tower - Khyber

    Don't let the door crit you on the way out

  3. #3
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    +1 for the pali aura. On the blocking increase to AC, it's probably safe to assume +1 for each of the three teirs.
    Last edited by Dark-Star; 04-23-2009 at 02:21 PM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Invalid_82's Avatar
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    thx for the additional info dark
    Prey - Extinction - Deamos - Darkprey
    Hand of the Black Tower - Khyber

    Don't let the door crit you on the way out

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Not sure if you consider this within the scope of this post, but if you wanted to splash for Evasion:

    Take 3 off that last MFP and MTS for Dwarf if you want to splash for Evasion in a MBP.

    MBP and Mith Tower for dwarf .... MDB of 10 or shooting for 30 dex
    (5 MBP + 3 FAM + 2 DAM = 10 for MBP)
    (4 MTS + 3 PrE + 3 FSM = 10 for MTS) ... total ac gain 29 ... (10 MBP + 9 TS + 10 Dex = 29)

    Take an additional 2 off that if you want to splash for Evasion in DT Leather, to maintain your DT runes--maybe maintain DT FP and DT Leather to switch between as appropriate.

    DT Leather and Mith Tower for any .... MDB of 10 or shooting for 30 dex
    (7 DT Leather + 3 FAM = 10 for DT Leather)
    (4 MTS + 3 PrE + 3 FSM = 10 for MTS) ... total ac gain 27 ... (8 DT Leather + 9 TS + 10 Dex = 27)

    WF in Mithral Body and DT Docent can have the best of both worlds. If you can get your WF to 30 Dex, you can get right up there with high AC and Evasion, but it takes 3 Feats:

    5 Mithral Body + 7 DT Docent + 9 MTS + 10 MDB = 31

    However, that MDB takes Mithral Body, Mithral Fluidity x 2 and FAM 3.
    Last edited by rimble; 07-31-2009 at 01:39 PM.

  6. #6
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    Looks like you forgot one of the AC rituals - you can have one on both shield & armor. We also know the Defender set bonus is going to be a stacking +2 AC. And if you really want to squeeze out every last buff, Air Guard Haste stacks with other forms of Haste for another +1.

    Edit: otherwise looks to be the same as what I calculated btw. I was looking at my original 28-point Dwarven Fighter who unfortunately started @ 12 dex, and I should be able to break the 100 mark with what we know of currently.

    Edit2: wow, just realized this thread was pretty old, whoops.
    Last edited by vyvy3369; 08-01-2009 at 10:13 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
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    All done with Completionist (again) and Epic Completionist. First character to 30 on Sarlona* (before the rollback).

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