Just some questions for the monk forums.
1. Do you think it would be justifiable to give Henshin Mystics access to Fist of Light AND Fist of Darkness to show their pursuit of true perfection?
2. What Riddles do you expect to see?
3. Do you think that Shining Star is going to be a Henshin Mystic only thing?
4. Would you guys find it awesome to get more combos then 1-1-1 and 1-2-1?
Please voice your opinions.
EDIT: After reading it myself I think I'm going to attempt to write up a speculation.
One change that would be required would be adding Henshin Mystic I as another way to get Fist of Light and Fist of Darkness.
Henshin Mystic I
Cost: 4 Action Points
Req: Monk level 6; Disciple of Breezes; Disciple of Candles; Disciple of Pebbles; Disciple of Puddles; Monk Wisdom I
You are a Henshin Mystic, a seeker of perfection. Your abilities of perception go beyond that of average people, giving you +1 to Concentration, Spot, Listen, and Search. You are patient, and as so you give more time to meditation then a regular monk and you may meditate one additional time per rest. You gain the ability to use the finishing moves Shining Star and Heavenly Interaction and all of your finishing moves get +1 to their DCs.
Shining Star: You use the combined power of earth, wind, and fire to set up harmonic vibrations within your enemy that force them to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC 10 + Monk Level + Wisdom mod) (Otto's Resistible Dance) (Earth-Wind-Fire)
(Originally had Charisma Mod in the Compendium, but that didn't seem any good.)
Heavenly Interaction: You create a overt display of the wind's, fire's, and water's powers, enthralling your target. A successful Will save negates this effect, and your target gets periodic save attempts. (DC 10 + Monk Level + Wisdom mod) (Charm Person) (Wind-Fire-Water)
First rank gives you x1.5 meditation time and 1 more per rest, higher finishing move DC, and access to Charm Person and Otto's Resistible Dance. I think that true balance would require basic mastery of all of the elements and above average wisdom.
Henshin Mystic II
Cost: 2 Action Points
Req: Monk level 12; Fist of Darkness; Fist of Light; Monk Wisdom II; Difficulty at the Beginning; Restoring the Balance; The Receptive Earth; Lifting the Veil
Your training as a Henshin Mystic has taken on new abilities. Your perception has evolved far beyond that of normal people, giving you an additional +2 to Concentration, Spot, Listen, and Search. You have become a master of awareness, and therefore your opponents get no bonuses for flanking you or extra damage for sneak attacks. Your meditation is second only to your survival, and therefore you meditate longer then before and you may meditate an additional time per rest. You gain the ability to use the finishing moves Riddle of Flames and Riddle of Awe and all of your finishing moves get an additional +2 to their DCs.
Riddle of Flames: You channel the powers of light, fire, and darkness to unleash a ball of blue fire that streams toward your target and explodes, dealing 1d6 fire damage per monk level and an additional 3 force damage per 2 monk levels. A successful Reflex save negates half of the damage. (DC 10 + Monk level + Wisdom mod)
(Higher level-range Fireball)(Pos-Fire-Neg) (Also a nod to Ryu's signature from Street Fighter)
Riddle of Awe: You demonstrate the power of earth, wind, and water. This strikes such awe in an enemy as to completely enthrall them. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC 10 + Monk level + Wisdom mod)
(Dominate Person) (Earth-Wind-Water)
As you go along with this PrE you gain a x2 longer meditation and a total of 2 more meditations per rest, a higher perception, eyes in the back of your head, higher DC on finishing moves, improved fireball with force damage (at the cap increase it will hit for 20d6 fire damage + 30 force damage) and Dominate Person.
Henshin Mystic III
Cost: 2 Action Points
Req: Monk 18; Rise of the Phoenix; Monk Wisdom III
You are almost divine perfection. Your perception is godly, thus granting you an additional + 2 to Concentration, Listen, Spot, and Search. You have surpassed the need of sight, so you no longer suffer any disadvantages while blind. You are now a paragon of deep thought, and as such you can meditate for hours on end and an additional 2 times per rest. You have learned the Riddle of Invulnerability, thus granting you DR/- 10 and either DR/Epic 5 or an additional DR/Epic 5. You now have access to the Riddle of Divinity and Riddle of Death and all of your finishing moves get an additional +2 to their DCs.
Riddle of Divinity: You have mastered the secrets of divinity and how to use it. You gain the effects of Divine Power, and Shield of Faith as though they were cast by a cleric of your level. You and your allies also gain 20% concealment and +2 morale bonus to hit, skill checks, and saves.
(Cleric spells: Divine Power, Shield of Faith; Also puts Dance of the Cloud and Walk of the Sun on your allies) (Pos-Fire-Pos-Wind-Pos)
Riddle of Death: You pose a riddle so dark and ancient that all targets that hear it must make a will save or die. Those who make the save must makes a fortitude save. If the creature is a humanoid and fails, they are paralyzed. If the target isn't a humanoid and they fail, they are nauseated. Your target gets periodic save to attempt to break free of these effects. (DC 10 + Monk level + Wisdom mod)
(Arcane Spell: Wail of the Banshee; Targets that save are effected by Freezing the Lifeblood or Pain Touch) (Neg-Water-Neg-Earth-Neg)
Basically you gain higher perception, your meditation doesn't have a time limit and you can meditate 4 more times per rest, you get another boost to finishing move DC, you gain blindsight,you get a large buff on yourself (consisting of divine power, shield of faith, dance of the cloud, and walk of the sun), you get an AoE save kill, and freezing the lifeblood or pain touch if they make one save and fail the other, and you get more DR.
EDIT: I think a bonus to meditation would be in order.