I was a fan of S&B paladins back when the level cap was 10. They had the best DPS of any class vs Red Named due to no cooldown on Smite, they had awesome saves, and impressive AC.
Paladins may, once again, return to their former days of glory.
I am dedicating this thread to a community effort to build and design an effective TWF pure paladin, capable to taking Knight of the Chalice III and the Paladin Capstone. Please post suggestions and feedback, and the build posted below will continue to morph into a more perfect character.
In order to survive in melee, a character either needs a way to reduce damage (through AC, damage reduction, etc) or the hit points to soak the damage (like barbarians). In order to maximize damage output, Strength should be used to wield melee weapons instead of Dexterity (this adds damage per hit, and removes the need to take Weapon Finesse as a feat).
From a practical aspect, requiring the use of a +4 stat tome to be effective will be in bad taste, since the odds of getting the stat tome you need from a raid are pretty slim (even after 20 completions). Since +3 stat tomes will drop as random loot in mod 9, these will be considered practical and appropriate for use in order to reach the minimum ability score necessary for extremely important feats and abilities (such as the dexterity requirement for the Two Weapon Fighting feat chain).
Current Build:
Race: Human
Strength: 30 (16 base, +5 levels, +3 tome, +6 item)
Dexterity: 24 (15 base, +2 dex tome, +1 human, +6 item)
Constitution: 24 (14 base, +3 tome, +1 human, +6 item)
Intelligence: 8 (8 base)
Wisdom: 16 (10 base, +6 item)
Charisma: 26 (14 base, +4 tome, +6 item, +2 Paladin)
The high dexterity here is only to fulfill the dex requirement for the TWF feat chain, and a slight boost to reflex. Emphasis is placed on Strength, as this will not be a finesse build.
*Discussion Point: How would you set the starting stats, and why?
-Two Weapon Fighting
-Improved Two Weapon Fighting
-Greater Two Weapon Fighting
-Improved Critical
-Power Attack
-Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
-Extend Spell (rebuffing Zeal and Divine Favor is annoying, since you can't swing and buff at the same time--might swap for another Toughness, or Oversized Two Weapon Fighting)
*Discussion Point: What feats would you use?
*Discussion Point: Will this build be able to hit accurately enough to do top DPS?
-Balance: 11 ranks
-Tumble: 1 rank
-Use Magic Device: 11 ranks
*Discussion Point: Will the Intimidate/UMD be high enough to be of practical use?
Sustainable Armor Class:
(This is the build's theoretical self-buffed AC, excluding effects which last under 2 minutes or are not available from this build. Exception: Haste)
Item Slots Used: Bracers, (Boots or Gloves), Armor
10 base
+18 Dragontouched Leather (Protection +5, Insight +4, armor ritual)
+7 Dex
+5 Paladin
+3 Barkskin (potion)
+2 Chaosgarde
+4 Shield wand
+1 Haste (potions, party-buff)
= 50 AC
Armor Class is determined not to be this build's strong point, and will be not worth the investment.