DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Here ya go you want to up the power of a Bastard Sword.
Give it Glancing Blows as per a Two Handed Weapon but don't let it be improved upon by the THF Feats. Give it Base Glancing Blow ability... should add enough damage to make it worth while
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
The "good" part of Bastard Swords is that they are cheap.......
That's it.
Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.
The fix for the hand-and-a-half is simple yet ingenious (if I do say so myself). Give the b-sword the same range as a two hander.
DDO is 19-20x3 for Khopesh I believe which then begs to ask why? Drop the crit range and add the bonus in to trip and then we have what a Khopesh should really be.
It made much more sense in P&P where your Fighter could strap a shield on his back and use the Bastard Sword two handed or pull out the shield and swing one handed. Since we have our nice bag of holding we can carry an abnormal ammount of gear so it's not like you have to worry about carrying too much and deal with having only one set of equipment.If you were going to wield them two-handed, why wouldn't you just use a two-handed weapon?
Edit: DDO is full of stupid/broken weapons.
The stats are fairly similar either way so unless you're going to nitpick over the numbers why not use a Bastard Sword two-handed?
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Turbine is not going to do any of this, unbreak khopeshes, break bastard swords, or any of it, because it's where they want them.
Bastard swords need to be martial weapons used two-handed, and exotic when used one-handed, but since they can ONLY be used one-handed in DDO, they are working as intended.
Khopeshes are exotic weapons that have bonuses towards special attacks that DDO doesnt really employ, so they were not included in the weapon abilities. If the crit multiplier was reduced to X2, congratulations, you have a longsword.
Bastard Swords havent been associated with a race or class in DDO (or D&D iirc) but that doesnt mean Turbine can't add enhancements for Bastard Swords reminiscient of drow/rapiers or dwarves/dwarven axes.
That could help improve the use of a Bastard sword as a weapon in DDO.
Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
oooh, can they change them in to a bird? or a giraffe?
or at least allow us to put Bastard Sword in our bio's for those of us that use Bio as trade list.
The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
A couple random ideas to trim kopeshes back:
- Make them 1d8 dmg; 18-20/x2 crits. This makes them like a scimitar with a better base damage die. (Reasoning: The bastard sword is basically a longsword with a better damage die.)
- Make them 1d8 dmg; 19-20/x2 crits, x3 on a natural 20.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Why not leave it at 1d10 for those who us it in one hand and let it be 1d10+1 or increase the crit range for two handed swingers?
Khopeshes are awesome, but you do pay a feat for them. How much is a feat worth? Not much if you took "snake blood" and want to swap it out. A whole lot if you are a Pally or Barb going TWF and have to make some tough choices.
Bastard swords -should- be awesome... probably more awesome than they are now.. but how do you buff them without breaking them?
They are in Canadia.
By giving Humans a bastard sword enhancement line like Dwarves get for axes and giving all Human martial classes the feat for free, like martial-class Dwarves get war axe? Isn't that what keeps war axes viable?
Last edited by branmakmuffin; 04-15-2009 at 09:54 PM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.